Public Relations Services

Hawaiian Airlines: Using social media fearlessly

Social media is evolving and a very dynamic place to put your marketing efforts these days. Companies (and people, i.e. politicians) are just now learning to harness the power. There are many mainland examples of "success stories" in social…

7 tools for combining social media and event marketing

Recently, there has been much discussion by me and other marketing folks about the importance of content within a social media campaign. I can't help but think of events as the ultimate in content with social media. After all, what is more…

3 steps to creating your business’s social media identity

I am fond of saying "everything you need to know about social marketing, you learned in kindergarten." True, this is an over simplification of social media marketing, or is it? The social media revolution is less about large-scale marketing…

Why should you care about net neutrality

Today's news that Google and Verizon have struck a deal that will end the internet as we know has barely made even a trickle in the Twitter-sphere. Everyone there is still talking about the demise of Google Wave. The Huffington Post, The NY…

Everything you need in marketing, you learned in kindergarden.

Inspired by Jay Boer's 5 Ways to Add Marketing Helpfulness (which is a great article by the way) I'd like to expand on ways to use social media to increase helpfulness. Essentially, the idea is that if your business is helpful to your consumer,…

Quality or Quantity?

Would you rather have 100,000 Twitter followers, 95% of whom don't RT, @mention or even acknowledge you or 2,000 who hang on your every word and identify with your tweets in a passionate way? True, in either case, your REAL fans are likely to…