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The demand for natural products is surging in a world increasingly inclined towards health and wellness. But have you ever wondered how these products gain popularity and consumer trust? The answer lies in an often-overlooked yet crucial aspect: natural products PR, whether that’s B2B PR or consumer PR, natural products PR requires a deep connection with media and consumer trends. Read on as we delve into public relations specifically tailored for natural products, highlighting its importance, current trends, essential strategies, challenges, and the future outlook in this dynamic sector.

What Is Natural Products PR?

Natural products PR refers to a specialized practice that promotes the benefits of natural, organic, and eco-friendly products to the public. This niche within PR encompasses a range of consumer products, including those in the food and beverage PR or food and beverage public relations sectors. It’s not just about selling; it’s about storytelling and creating a brand image that resonates with health-conscious consumers and emphasizes sustainability and ethical production.

Trends in Natural Product Consumption

The landscape of natural product consumption is continuously evolving, shaped by a myriad of factors ranging from environmental awareness to technological advancements. These include:

Increased Demand for Organic Products: Consumers increasingly gravitate towards organic products, driven by a desire for healthier lifestyles and environmental concerns. This shift is not just a fad but represents a profound, lasting change in consumer behavior. People are becoming more acquainted with the significant health benefits and positive environmental impact of organic farming, leading to a growth in demand for organic food, beverages, and even non-food products globally.

Eco-Friendly Packaging: The growing environmental consciousness among consumers has sparked a significant trend towards eco-friendly packaging in the natural products sector. This shift is motivated by the urgent need to reduce plastic waste and carbon footprint. Many reputable natural products brands are now innovating with biodegradable, recyclable, and minimalistic packaging solutions, aligning product presentation with their products’ eco-conscious values.

Plant-Based Alternatives: The rise of plant-based alternatives is a remarkable trend, reflecting a shift in dietary preferences towards more sustainable and ethical choices among customers. This trend transcends traditional vegetarianism, appealing to a broader audience, including those who are health-conscious or concerned about animal welfare. The market has seen a significant increase in plant-based meats, dairy alternatives, and other products catering to this growing consumer segment.

Transparency and Traceability: Today’s consumers demand transparency and traceability in their natural products. They want to know the origin of the ingredients, the manufacturing process, and the supply chain ethics. This demand has led brands to be more open and detailed about their practices, often using technology like blockchain to provide verifiable and transparent information. This trend reflects a broader desire for authenticity and ethical production in consumer goods.

Functional Foods and Beverages: Functional foods and beverages, enriched with additional health benefits for the body and mind, are gaining traction in the natural products market. These unique items are fortified with vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and other beneficial substances to offer more than basic nutritional value. This trend is driven by consumers’ increasing focus on health, leading them to seek products that contribute positively to physical and mental well-being.

Personalized Nutrition: Personalized nutrition is emerging as a key trend, driven by technological advancements and a growing understanding of individual dietary needs. Consumers seek products that cater to their distinctive health requirements, lifestyle, and genetic makeup. This trend has given rise to customized vitamins, tailored dietary supplements, and AI-driven nutrition apps and websites aiming to provide a more personalized approach to health and wellness.

Essential Strategies for Natural Products PR

Authentic Storytelling: Authentic storytelling is vital in natural products PR. All brands should share their unique journey, focusing on origin, ethical sourcing, and environmental responsibility. This approach resonates with consumers seeking genuineness. Stories highlighting a brand’s commitment to quality and sustainability can foster a deeper connection with the audience, differentiating the brand in a market where authenticity is highly valued and sought after.

Leveraging Social Media Platforms: Utilizing social media platforms is a powerful PR strategy. These platforms offer direct consumer engagement, allowing brands to showcase their products, share stories, and gather feedback. Effective use of social media involves consistent, relatable content that aligns with the brand’s ethos. This strategy enhances visibility and allows for a personalized connection with the target audience, which is crucial in today’s digital-first world.

Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with local influencers who align with the brand’s values can amplify a natural product’s reach. Influencers act as trusted voices, adding credibility and reliability to the brand. It is important to select influencers who genuinely resonate with the brand’s ethos and have an engaged audience (mostly organic). This strategy can effectively introduce products to new audiences, leveraging the influencers’ credibility to build trust in the brand.

Educational Content Creation: Creating educational content is an effective strategy for natural products PR. By informing consumers about the benefits and usage of natural products (or even specific ingredients used in the products), brands can position themselves as knowledgeable and trustworthy in the field. This content can take various forms, like blog posts, videos, or infographics. Educating consumers builds trust and empowers them to make informed choices.

Community Engagement: Engaging with the local community, both online and offline, is extremely crucial for successful PR. This process includes participating in local events, environmental initiatives, or online forums. Community engagement helps build a loyal customer base and increases brand visibility. It demonstrates the brand’s commitment to its values and willingness to be an active, contributing community member, which can greatly enhance brand perception and loyalty.

Sustainability Reporting: Regularly reporting on sustainability practices is a key strategy. Transparency in operations, sourcing, and environmental impact is important to consumers. Brands should openly share their sustainable practices and improvements. Transparency showcases the brand’s commitment to environmental stewardship and builds trust and accountability, with consumers increasingly making purchasing decisions based on sustainability.

Strategic Media Relations: Developing strategic media relations, which involves cultivating relationships with journalists and publications that align with the brand’s target audience, is essential for any brand. Getting featured in relevant media outlets can boost brand visibility and credibility. Tailoring pitches and press releases to resonate with the media’s unique interests increases the chances of coverage, effectively helping to reach a wider, more engaged audience.

Challenges in Natural Products PR

Market Saturation: The natural products market in the United States and even globally is increasingly saturated, making it challenging for new or smaller brands to stand out. With numerous companies offering similar products, distinguishing one’s brand becomes complex. This saturation demands innovative and creative PR strategies that can cut through the noise, highlight a brand’s unique selling propositions, and capture the attention of the targeted consumer base.

Maintaining Authenticity: As more brands enter the natural products space, maintaining authenticity becomes challenging. With consumers becoming more skeptical and discerning, brands must ensure that their messaging and practices genuinely reflect their values and claims. Maintaining authenticity involves a consistent, transparent approach to communication and actions, essential in building and retaining consumer trust in an increasingly crowded and competitive market.

Navigating Regulatory Landscapes: The natural products sector often faces complex regulatory environments with varying standards and requirements across different regions. Staying compliant while communicating product benefits without making unverified claims is a delicate balance. Brand managers must navigate these regulatory landscapes adeptly, ensuring that all communications are compelling and compliant with the latest industry standards and regulations.

Overcoming Consumer Skepticism: There is growing skepticism among consumers, especially around the efficacy and authenticity of natural products available in the market. Overcoming this skepticism requires transparent and consistent messaging that educates consumers about the benefits and legitimacy of the products. Building a trustworthy brand image in the face of skepticism is crucial for long-term success and requires a strategic, evidence-based approach in all PR activities.

Adapting to Changing Consumer Trends: Consumer trends in the natural products market can change rapidly, driven by new scientific research, viral social media content, or shifts in cultural attitudes. Keeping up accordingly with these ever-changing trends and adapting natural products’ PR strategies is a significant challenge. Brands must remain agile and responsive, ensuring their messaging and campaigns are relevant and resonant with the current consumer mindset.

Effective Digital Communication: In the digital age, crafting effective online communication is crucial yet challenging. The digital landscape is broad and varied, from social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, X, and even TikTok to online forums. Creating content that stands out, engages the audience, and drives conversions in this crowded digital space requires skillful storytelling, a deep understanding of digital platforms, and the ability to create compelling, shareable content.

Budget Constraints: Budget constraints pose a major challenge in executing effective PR campaigns for many natural product brands, especially startups and small businesses. Limited resources mean they must make choices strategically, focusing on high-impact, cost-effective PR tactics. Budget constraints often involve finding creative ways to maximize visibility and engagement without incurring significant expenses and balancing resource limitations with the need for effective brand promotion.

How Can a Natural Products PR Agency Help Overcome These Challenges?

A PR agency for natural products can play an extremely important role in overcoming these challenges by:

  • Utilizing expertise to innovate strategies that make brands stand out in a saturated market.
  • Ensuring authenticity and trust in brand messaging to build consumer confidence.
  • Navigating complex regulatory landscapes to maintain compliance in communications.
  • Crafting transparent and educational messaging to overcome consumer skepticism.
  • Adapting PR strategies to keep pace with rapidly changing consumer trends.
  • Creating effective digital communication strategies for diverse online platforms.
  • Offering cost-effective solutions to manage budget constraints while maximizing impact.

Ethical Considerations in Natural Products PR

Transparency in Product Ingredients and Sourcing: Transparency is crucial in natural products PR. Brands must be honest about ingredients and sourcing methods. Consumers are increasingly knowledgeable and concerned about what they consume and the impact of their purchases. Full disclosure of product contents and sourcing practices builds trust and shows respect for consumer intelligence and values, reinforcing the brand’s commitment to honesty and ethical practices.

Avoiding Misleading Claims and Greenwashing: It’s vital to avoid making misleading claims or engaging in greenwashing. Consumers are wary of brands that exaggerate or falsely portray their products as more natural or environmentally friendly than they are. Ethical PR practices demand honesty in claims about a product’s environmental and health benefits. Upholding this principle is key to maintaining consumer trust and avoiding backlash from false or exaggerated claims.

Respecting Cultural and Social Sensitivities: Natural products often have cultural or social origins. Ethical PR respects these origins and avoids cultural appropriation or insensitive representation. Acknowledging the source cultures or communities is important, especially when marketing products derived from traditional knowledge. This act fosters respect and inclusivity, ensuring that marketing efforts are sensitive to diverse backgrounds and do not exploit cultural elements for commercial gain.

Environmental Responsibility in Marketing Practices: PR strategies should reflect ecological responsibility, which includes using sustainable materials in marketing campaigns and minimizing the carbon footprint of promotional activities. Ethical considerations in PR go beyond the product itself and extend to how they market it. Implementing eco-friendly practices in PR campaigns demonstrates a genuine commitment to sustainability, aligning the actions with the messaging.

Promoting Realistic Consumer Expectations: Setting realistic consumer expectations is an ethical imperative in natural products PR, which means avoiding overstated promises about the effectiveness or benefits of a product. Consumers appreciate honesty, and overpromising can lead to distrust. Ethical PR practices involve providing clear, accurate information about what consumers expect from a natural product, fostering long-term trust and credibility in the brand and its offerings.

Future Outlook for Natural Products PR

The future of natural products PR looks promising, with an ever-increasing consumer base seeking more sustainable lifestyle choices. The industry is poised to evolve, integrating more advanced digital strategies, AI-driven analytics, and a stronger focus on sustainability and ethical practices.

To conclude, natural products PR is more than just a marketing tool; it’s a bridge connecting ethical, sustainable brands with consumers. As this industry continues to grow, the role of PR in shaping consumer perceptions and driving the market for natural products becomes increasingly significant.

Do you own a brand and want to elevate your natural product in the market? Avaans Media, a top-rated PR agency with a 100% executive-level team, offers exceptional boutique PR services for emerging industries and ambitious brands. Let’s work together to make your natural product the next big thing in the health and wellness industry. Reach out to us today.

You have a new product to launch. How can you ensure consumers find it when they’re shopping? Marketing experts say the average person sees between 4,000 and 10,000 ads in a single day; everyone of them claiming to be perfectly targeted to your ideal customer. People tune out most ads. But for DTC brands, the ad addiction is real. Why? Because it’s easy to establish direct ROI. Even when brands know the ROI isn’t great, they can’t seem to get off the treadmill because they know what to expect.  And with AI emerging, there is likely to be further disruption in the consumer industry. You’ve worked so hard to create a great brand and a great product. So, if not for advertising, how do people discover new brands today?


Give Them a Reason to Talk About Your Brand

Because we’re so inundated with signals and ads, buyers rely on friends and family for suggestions more than ever to help them filter through the choices. Every consumer brand understands the value of reviews, but referrals from friends and family are even more essential. 27% of consumers rely on trusted sources like friends for new brand discovery. Also, the older the target customer, the more likely they are to rely on advice from friends, with GenX (30%) and Boomers (35%) relying most heavily on friends and family.

But giving your advocates a gentle nudge and a reason to share your info with friends is even more important. We see this a lot with referral codes. Still, when a customer wants to advocate for you, or want to tell a friend about you, they aren’t likely going to go digging around for a creepy referral link that makes the receiver think their friend is only recommending a brand so they can save $10. It’s icky.

Instead, think about your content and social proof. For example, write tangential content that’s interesting and useful to your customer, not just about your brand. For example, if you’re a food brand, then write content about your favorite cooking tools in your test kitchen.

Also, when you secure consumer press, celebrate it with your customers. This IS a good time to offer a promo code because it’s one more reason to say to a friend, “hey, this is the skincare lotion you asked me about; it’s on sale,” AND it comes right next to the social proof that backs up your customer’s choice to share your product.


Search Engine Love

31% of consumers find new products on search engines. Consumers use search engines during two buying phases: the research phase and the buying phase. You want to be present for both, because that’s how people discover new brands

First, assuming your website is well constructed, and your product pages are well designed, your next step is to embrace the reality of the internet: content marketing. With the latest advances in AI-generated content, creating content for your website has never been easier. Just be sure to review your content and ensure the quality is there because content is often a consumer’s first exposure to your brand. There are countless ways you can use content marketing. Look at the way Sarah Blakely was always the #1 brand advocate for Spanx.

Second, if you sell DTC, use Google’s product review advice to help you build content that matters to customers. Our annual guide has many tips and hints about building consumer content that will help you stand out in search engine results.

But it’s not just owned content that customers love. When potential customers search for products, they’re in the buying phase, and that’s when they’re looking for reviews that jump out at them from search results: reviews by trusted media outlets. This is really important because publishers have massive amounts of content and SEO, so their product reviews are highly visible. And it doesn’t seem to matter if the press outlet uses affiliate links, so long as it’s disclosed. We’ve had clients sell out warehouses full of product due to affiliate links. Notably, affiliate links from friends might seem creepy, but product review affiliate links from media outlets are perfectly acceptable. Why might that be? When you learn about how people view lures and rewards, that’s another reason you must allow your marketing and PR to work together when considering your DTC consumer.

Influencers Gonna Influence

We can’t really talk about DTC PR without talking about social media influencers. It’s not just younger generations turning to TikTok for product discovery. And social networks catch buyer in all three phases – the awareness phase, the buying phase, when they’re researching a product, and the curiosity phase. Ensure your influencer campaigns work for both those phases, and be conscious of how impulsive your customers are when strategizing campaigns with content creators, because buyers are increasingly impulsive on platforms like TikTok.; 65% of GenZ and Millenials make impulse buying decisions at least once per month, compared to 38% of GenX and Boomers.


Using these modern PR tips to capitalize on how people discover new brands and tactics will make your investment pay for itself much faster.

Consumer PR is the reputation and awareness building brands do to improve their image to the public. From purpose-driven PR to product launches and experiential PR, consumer PR gives consumers an additional positive touchpoint that builds trust, anticipation, and loyalty from consumers. Consumer PR is an effective lever for ambitious brands, particularly during hyper-growth or product launch phases. This is in contrast to B2B PR, which seeks to improve the reputation and awareness of a company within a particular business vertical. Brands know new customers buy faster and existing customers buy more often from brands they can feel good about. Consumer PR can take on many sub-forms of public relations, including:

  • Community Relations: building relationships with community stakeholders.
  • Product Public Relations: Product reviews and placements in consumer publications.
  • Purpose-Driven PR: Proactive values that incorporate social, cultural, and environmental issues.
  • Experiential PR: Opportunities for the public to engage directly with the brand in-person.
  • Integrated PR: PR campaigns that use paid avenues to create media coverage and word of mouth.

Why do companies engage in consumer product PR?

PR is the most trusted form of awareness building. Consumers trust reviews more than any other type of product awareness, like advertising. Reviews can come as online reviews, and even from influencers and bloggers or can come from media outlets. Media outlet coverage is particularly coveted because not only does it have powerful sway, it adds extra brand cache and it sticks around for a long time online. For DTC and e-commerce brands media coverage also improves SEO, a really important ingredient in online sales. Investors also like to see a brand in the media; it provides valuable social proof.

Consumer product PR can be approached from a long-term strategic process or as the consumer PR campaigns during certain times of the year.

Why would companies engage in community relations? 

Anytime a company needs its local community’s support, community relations matters. Sometimes brands want to be good community partners because it makes recruiting for top talent easier. Or maybe they want to expand, and they need City Council approval on a piece of land they’re eyeing. Or perhaps the brand values being a good neighbor to the communities in which it operates. 

Why would a brand engage in Purpose-Driven PR? 

Brands engage in purpose-driven PR for a variety of reasons. One can certainly be to improve their brand image in the eyes of their customers. You will often see purpose-driven brands publish an annual report. Not only does this report track its own progress, but it also provides the public with the progress as well. We tell our clients that strategic purpose-driven PR should be systemic, and externally virtuous, but meaty and measurable.

Why would a brand engage in experiential PR? 

When you think of cutting-edge sports, what brand comes to mind? It’s probably RedBull. RedBull became a household name through events. That’s because RedBull’s brand is inextricably tied to cutting-edge sports. Their support and engagement of some of these sports basically gave legitimacy to the X Games because competitors could finally focus their efforts entirely on their sport. In fact, RedBull created the first international kiteboarding competition. RedBull’s commitment to extreme events and competitors keeps them at the forefront of beverage brand awareness. Experiential events can be expensive, but when you consider the ROI both in advertising dollars saved and PR and brand affinity, experiential events are powerful tools in the consumer PR arsenal.

Why would a brand engage in integrated PR? 

The best integrated PR campaigns use many marketing PR levers to make an impact. An example of this would be Coinbase. In 2022, they purchased a Super Bowl ad that was nothing but a QR code. Millions of viewers stared at their screens in awe that a brand would purchase one of the most expensive ads in history and do nothing but float a QR code across the screen. But that was the entire point. In fact, for many consumer brands, the reason to purchase a Super Bowl is the added PR coverage around Super Bowl ads. Weeks before the Super Bowl, consumer brands release their ads, either to the press or the wider public on YouTube, to ensure their creative ad gets the free press it deserves.


Brands that build loyalty and love through PR grow faster and have higher customer retention, and consumer PR improves other initiatives such as fundraising, that are vital to a thriving brand If you’re interested in consumer PR, contact us. We’re a top-rated consumer PR agency.

Not too long ago, DTC brands were on a tear. The Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry grew at an incredible rate during the 2020 pandemic lockdown – to $933 billion up 10.4% from the previous year. And it wasn’t just the big brands who saw that growth, boutique CPG brands reported revenue growth up 18.3%, compared to 7.5% from large CPG brand manufacturers. But recent changes in digital marketing, along with supply chain issues, have made 2022 more challenging for startup DTC brands. So, given the squeeze they’re experiencing, what CPG marketing trends will give them the most bang for their buck?


More recently, CPG and DTC brands have seen some challenging times, especially those in the earlier phases who had hoped to grow with VC funding. But since VC funding has become more competitive, it’s more important than ever for consumer brands to leverage all their strengths.

CPG and DTC Brands with Purpose

This first one is a bit of a misnomer because, realistically, purpose-driven CPG brands are an inside-out job, not simply a marketing initiative. And yet, for those CPG startup brands who can find an authentic purpose, the activation opportunities are endless. This isn’t so much a CPG marketing trend as much as it is a brand proposition.

47% of consumers say they’d switched products or services after a company violated their personal values. 

Consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable and natural products in everything from beauty to wellness to food. Searches for “cruelty-free” products increased by 400% between 2012-2022. And it isn’t just consumers. 86% of employees want to know they work for organizations with an environment, social, and ethical business practices (ESG). While we typically think about large brands doing most of the heavy lifting on ESG initiatives, startup CPG brands can create a bigger splash, reduce operational expenses, and increase customer loyalty by doing their part as well.

CPG PR & Influencer Marketing

TV ads are still the first choice for legacy CPG companies, and that’s because they know becoming a household name takes repeated exposure. But ambitious startup brands without the multi-million dollar ad budget are finding excellent success with CPG PR and even seasonal sprint PR programs. From wellness products to beauty products, CPG brands know the value of trusted recommendations, like magazines.

Trust isn’t a CPG marketing trend – it’s a requirement. 

And because of the importance of the trust factor, startup CPG brands are also turning to influencer marketing. But they’re doing it most often with micro-influencers (between 1,000-10,000 followers). While micro-influencer campaigns are considerably more effort to manage, the results can be impressive because micro-influencers typically have higher conversion rates and that’s because they are more relatable and trustworthy than celebrities.  And it isn’t only CPG brands finding success with micro-influencers, consumer tech brands are doubling down on influencer campaigns too.


Product Personalization

Marketing trends for CPG startups come and go, but one consumer trend that isn’t going away is personalization. With new AI technologies, this will become even more relevant, even for challenger brands. Consumers are opening their pocketbooks for DTC startups that offer personalized products; 71% of consumers expect personalization. In some cases, consumers are willing to give up product effectiveness to a more tailored product. From personalized product recommendations to celebrating milestones, today’s consumer expects even CPG startups to know them as customers.

Millennials, already spending more on self-care than any other generation before (2X more than baby boomers) are driving the demand for personalized CPG products. Already, 70% of the top DTC subscription brands use product quizzes to help personalize the customer experience. Not only does this increase consumer loyalty, but it provides a pleathora of data that can be used in future retargeting and PR campaigns.

Millennials are also driving another CPG trend: CBD. While 28% of consumers already use CBD, 56% of millennials do. They’re leading the charge that fuels the 4X growth in CBD products projected between 2020-2026. From pets to skincare, CBD is still a very in-demand product.


One thing is for certain, CPG startups aren’t going away, and neither are marketing trends for CPG startups. The internet has supercharged the consumer’s ability to find and purchase products – and it means CPG products in every category have more competitors than ever before. Brands that invest in savvy CPG marketing and PR will have the upper hand with customer acquisition and loyalty. And that means they’ll have more longevity than ever before. Whether you’re looking to be the next big brand, or looking to exit with an IPO, keeping your finger on the pulse of today’s trends super charges your future.

If you’re a smaller consumer brand, it might feel impossible to compete with the big guys. But according to Nielsen, in the United States “manufacturers outside of the top 100 have contributed to 52% of their region’s annual fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) growth,” that’s an incredibly promising trend for any consumer product, from skincare to cannabis. But the challenges to increasing market share aren’t imagined. In some categories, especially consumables, over 50% of consumers have no brand preference. This underscores the importance of small, independent CPG brands to invest in branding with awareness and loyalty strategies. Neilsen IQ has done some fantastic research for small, independent DTC and CPG brands.

Nielsen Chart for Consumer Product Brand Loyalty






69% of consumers are actively looking for new and trendy CPG products. Tapping into current trends is a key way to appeal to this audience.  Whether the brand is launching, or already launched, there are always PR opportunities to increase sales by driving awareness and loyalty. The key takeaway on all the most recent Neilsen data: premiumization is absolutely key for small, independent CPG brands

Driving Awareness for Small Consumer Brands

When Snapple tea was a small independent brand, it relied on PR, including crazy stunts with two ambitions in mind: acquisition and sales. When they were acquired by Quaker Oats, the PR stunts stopped and sales decreased. In fact, PR is often responsible for trends that drive consumers. Before CBD, a wellness ingredient that almost everyone now knows was allowed to advertise, it relied on firms like Avaans Media to create PR campaigns that educated consumers and created awareness for their brands. PR is almost single-handedly responsible for launching CBD into the public’s general knowledge. Other wellness products have benefited from PR, including melatonin.

Independent brands often turn to PR because while PR is an investment, it’s still more affordable than many other branding initiatives such as advertising, especially when you include videography costs. Facebook is famous for launching thousands of new DTC brands, but of late, many independent CPG brands are finding Facebook’s advertising to be less effective. Ambitious consumer product brands are turning to PR in ever greater numbers to reach consumers, and stay in front of buyers. A PR campaign can reach hundreds of billions of annual impressions. Is it any wonder that everyone from new consumer products to old standbys is moving dollars to PR?

New CPG brands can use PR to validate the brand. An upfront burst of PR is a powerful trust indicator. Many consumer brand startups showcase PR wins on their website and in advertising as a way to increase consumer trust. Independent boutique products use PR to nail their launch because they need to appeal directly and immediately to their consumer. As Nielsen notes in small brand, “There is little room for error in small launches. Nailing your activation requires planning and strategic execution. Whatever your differentiation—hitting your target, justifying your premium or communicating a new usage occasion—it must land, and land well,”


Driving Loyalty for Independent CPG Brands

If your consumer brand isn’t exactly new, but also isn’t a household name, then using PR to increase loyalty and awareness is effective. 25% of consumers are mainstream followers who sometimes try new products, but don’t seek them. This is a critical audience to penetrate. If you’re broadening your audience to this important but slightly elusive group, you want to make sure your customer product reviews are solid, and that your early PR had at least 1-2 tier 1 press hits so you can use the ever-so-important social proof to lure this audience in.  Good PR also allows existing customers to have their choice validated and is a great opportunity for them to sing your praises to their friends.

But that’s not the only way PR helps early and mid-stage CPG brands. PR helps your customers see you understand who they really are. Bob’s Red Mill used PR to improve its already stellar reputation through purpose-driven storytelling. Not only does PR help new consumers find your product, but it also reinforces the good choice your current customers have made. A good PR firm will help you identify ways to differentiate and to secure brand-improving earned media.

Whether your product is beloved or brand new, it will benefit from PR during elevated buying seasons. Yet, not all consumer brands want long-term contracts. That’s exactly why we’re reinventing PR with our Sprint Packages –  Product PR for Holiday Gift Guides.

These PR sprints are a consumer brand’s dream: consistent press coverage during key buying seasons without long-term PR contracts.

We’re breaking all the rules with these packages, and we’re doing it so it’s easy for consumer brands get the coverage they need to grow their brand without long-term contracts.

Our product PR for holiday gift guide sprint packages includes our extremely successful history of placing consumer products in lifestyle publications as diverse as Rolling Stone, Self, Popular Science, Engadget, and even the Today Show. 


What are the Product PR Sprints?

They’re special because they offer micro contracts alongside competitive pricing to give DTC and CPG brands a competitive advantage during the most important consumer buying seasons.

When are the Sprint Seasons?

Our DTC and CPG sprints center around two key buying seasons: holiday (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday) and spring (Easter/Passover/Ramadan, 420, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Pride), with even shorter add-on sprints for mid-winter (New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day) and mid-summer (4th of July, Back to School, Pool/Beach Season).

What’s Included in Product PR Sprints?

We will pitch an unlimited number of products to an unlimited number of lifestyle and consumer magazines that your target customers are reading.


Who Should Use PR Sprints?


Product PR sprints are designed for consumer product PR – be that CPG,  beauty, or even fashion or home furnishings – in either or both DTC or retail. Some brands use PR sprints for product launches. some use it to augment seasonal marketing efforts, and some start-up consumer brands use it as their first foray into PR.


These packages are easy for you to implement and give you the lasting results that come from your product appearing in media outlets your customers are reading! The added benefits are countless: SEO, visibility to investors, and best of all – coverage that never goes away. And you can maximize these PR wins with our simple recommendations.

Editors and journalists plan content months in advance (yes, even in the digital world), so it’s never too early to plan for your most important buying seasons.

Request More Information on Product PR Sprints Here