Tool Tuesday: Opt out of autoDM

In life, there are some mysteries. Like why do some of the great inventions remain best kept secrets?

Today, I am  going to reveal a tool that you probably wished for, but didn’t think an egghead had developed yet.

Auto DM’s have always been a source of controversy. Were they a nice way to welcome new followers or a spammy annoyance? As Twitter users increased, they become an increasing annoyance, there are more self promotional cretins in my DM folder than in all of the WWF. Just as I began to realize that I’d sincerely had it with auto DM’s, I quit sending my own (yes, I had been in the “nice way to welcome followers” camp). But it wasn’t enough for me to stop my own DM’s. I was starting to miss actual REAL DM’s from people I knew because I was ignoring the garbage pail that my DM folder had become. I needed to find a way to increase my efficiency of Twitter too.

Enter Auto DM Opt Out by SocialOomph. Genius. Normally I do a “like” and “meh” section on tools, but honestly, there is nothing NOT to like about this Opt Out tool, unless you are sending a spammy-self-promotional-auto-DM-selling me on your latest e-book, MLM scheme or a real estate get rich quick scheme.  So here’s how it works:


Yep. That’s it. Its that easy. I’m personally surprised that only 11,341 people have used this tool. But again, I say, sometimes you wonder why the most brilliant inventions don’t get traction. Meanwhile the most useless tools are getting all the sunshine.

I’ve been using the service for about 3 weeks now and I can report with glee that my DM inbox has been restored to full efficiency. While their disclaimer says they can’t eliminate all other bots its a testament to SocialOomph’s market penetration that it seems to have eliminated all most of mine!  And if you DM me now, your even likely to get a real, unautomated response.

Do you guys know of any other Twitter tools that improve Twitter efficiency or eliminate Auto DM?  Please share!