Entries by Tara Coomans

What’s the ROI of Social Media Silence?

If you read this blog with any regularity, you know that I am a big proponent of measuring social media. I’m bullish on measuring social media because I believe there are so many incredible ways to measure social media success that  the larger challenge is narrowing down your goals.While I have a methodology that I use, there […]

3 Steps to a Strong Social Media Campaign

Once upon a time there was a business. It was a successful business. The business had a good product, a strong brand,  a healthy PR presence and a substantial advertising campaign. By all accounts, the business was doing well. Except in one area: social media. Why? Even when a business has it all together it […]

What is Social Media ROI?

Social media ROI. Social media analytics. Its a hot topic. Everyone wants to understand what they can and can’t get from their social media efforts. Let me say that I’m an ROI advocate. I’ve developed a number of proprietary tools which I use to help my clients understand their ROI. Here’s the rub: if you […]


Welcome to Hawaii PubCon Foodies

A little departure from the usual today! I was recently interviewed for the upcoming PubCon conference in Honolulu mid-February (see the session grid & register here) and at which I am on a panel discussing Hawaii Social Media. Vanessa threw me what she thought was a soft-ball during the interview – “what places should people try […]

Why Transparency Matters

We hear all this discussion about corporations being more “human”. Social media users are urging companies of all sizes to create a relatable voice for themselves. But what happens when the relatable voice doesn’t match the company culture? The recent example of the McDonalds campaign gone bad is…well, its just “Ouch.” A hashtag (#McDStories)  is highjacked and the result […]