Social Media

How to Capture Your Customer’s Attention with Digital Marketing

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How many messages do you think you see a day? Now, imagine how many messages a day your customer sees? All these messages contribute to message fatigue. We used to say a person needed exposure to a message 7 times before they even remembered…

3 Steps to a Strong Social Media Campaign

Once upon a time there was a business. It was a successful business. The business had a good product, a strong brand,  a healthy PR presence and a substantial advertising campaign. By all accounts, the business was doing well. Except in one…

What Makes a Social Media Expert Any Different From a Unicorn?

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Its amazing, there are literally thousands of self proclaimed experts, but actually finding one in the wild is about as exciting as spotting a unicorn.  While unicorns are fairly easy to identify when you see one, this isn't really the case…

Social Media Strategic Plan Template

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Now is the time of year where businesses all over the country are looking forward to the next year and setting goals. You're social media program should be no different. If you're like most businesses, you'll be spending more time on social…

The Hard Questions of Social Media

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While using social media for business purposes has been around for the better part of 5 years now, we're reaching a place where businesses are starting to ask "what should I be doing with social media?" Its a fair question. After dabbling in…

Building Content That Attracts Customers and Clients

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When your building content, you've got to remember not to be blinded by the demographics. Sort of. To explain: last we I talked about how you shouldn't be too blinded by demographics in social media, because, people like to talk to other people,…