Public Relations Services

What should you outsource in social media?

Last week, I moderated a panel at the Hawaii Social Media Summit (#SMSHI) of Hawaii's social media business users about their outsourcing - what they do and don't outsource and what their best practices are.  It was an interesting conversation…

6 Twitter Do’s for Business

Today we're keeping it simple with some tactical suggestions on using Twitter for business. It isn't that this list is complete or even that it ever will be. I've just noticed that lots of businesses (large and small) aren't implementing these…

Klout – What’s it all About?

Over the last year most of the social mediari have been obsessed with finding influencers for their clients (you). Several services have popped up to help companies cut through the millions of casual social media users and find those who…

Start-ups making social media part of the business model

Once upon a time if you wanted to start a company you have two choices. Hit up your Dad for the cash or shlep down to the bank where you would sign a second on your only real asset: your house (IF you had one). You also had the choice to go…

What’s your social currency?

Photo credit: BaronBrian 97 Million  people use Twitter. 640 Million on Facebook. 48.2 Million users on YouTube. Ever ask yourself why they are there? Hold on. Before you answer - let me give you a hint: its a trick question. …

Social Media Complainers – your new BFF’s

Photo credit: tedmurphy The number one concern small and medium businesses have about social media: "what if people complain about my company/product/brand on my "Facebook/Twitter/blog." I've always advised my clients that its better to have…