Public Relations Services

Successful Blogging for Small and Medium Businesses

(Picture Credit : Maria Reyes-McDavis) So you want to start a blog? Or someone said you should so your considering it. Blogs for business are an outstanding tool for business, they can build community, be the backbone of your social media program,…

A Thousand Little Cuts of Social Media – A Kaizen Approach

You've probably heard the phrase "The best way to accomplish a large goal is to break down into small manageable tasks." The idea holds water, or soda or a Belvedere vodka if your like me.  Essentially its an idea  "catch phrase" born…

Social Media Consulting

We're no-nonsense, straight forward, big picture people over here. We won't try to throw up fireworks to distract you, but we may dazzle you anyway. We are communications professionals with a passion for social media. We believe in transparency…

Book Review Wednesday: Wikibrands: Reinventing your company in customer-driven marketplace

Its hard to keep up with all the books coming out about social media for business. There are so many layers to this topic that entire (worthy) books have been written on social media philosophy, content creation or audience engagement. With…

Just Pull Over

There's a lot of content being written today about content. From Content Rules to my current read WikiBrands (affiliate links) to the literally hundreds of blogs I read in  a week: we live content. Why? We living in a world where generating…

Tool Tuesday: Qwitter

If you or your company is spending a lot of time crafting stories, being human and creating relationships you may occasionally find yourself with a Twitter tunnel vision. That is to say, you feel like things are going great, you're having engaging…