Public Relations Services

Book Review: APE – Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur by Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch

It's a natural step for bloggers to consider publishing; self publishing books is easier than ever before. And yet. That doesn't mean the process is easy. If only..there were a single resource written by people who have been through the process.…

9 social media trends to keep your eye on in 2012

2011 was a game changing year in social media. In some ways, social media is growing up, but in other ways we're just getting started. But this is a dynamic field and we're sure to see changes in 2012 too? What should businesses plan for in…

What Makes a Social Media Expert Any Different From a Unicorn?

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Its amazing, there are literally thousands of self proclaimed experts, but actually finding one in the wild is about as exciting as spotting a unicorn.  While unicorns are fairly easy to identify when you see one, this isn't really the case…

How Social Media is Changing Customer Service

Employee Policy and Social Media - A Change. Social media is changing employee policy and customer service and not just because there are now new platforms for customer service. One of the more disruptive effects of social media has been…

Why use social media for engaged customer service?

  What's it all about? All this social media marketing? All this chatter about humanizing and engagement? Why bother using social media for customer service? I wanted to share an experience I had last week with you.  I'll let…

Tool Tuesday: Sprout Social Update

When I last wrote about Sprout Social in May 2011, I'd been using it for a couple of months. And while I found a use for it, I only used it sporadically because it really wasn't offering anything truly unique. But for $92/year it wasn't…