Tag Archive for: #1 consumer product PR agency

If your consumer brand is at a point in its journey where you’re wondering how to get featured in magazines, then it’s time to consider consumer PR. Many consumer brands have been successfully created through marketing and advertising, but the evolution from an ambitious challenger brand to a category leader is only possible with the power of PR.

So, you’ve gotten as far as wondering how to get your product featured in magazines, but you haven’t gotten as far as figuring out exactly how to start getting there. That’s where the Avaans consumer PR cheat sheet comes in.

In addition to outlining what you can expect from engaging an experienced consumer PR agency for your consumer brand, this article supplies a PR dos and don’ts list to help first-timers understand how to begin their PR journey.

The significance of PR in consumer brand authority

While paid advertising and other marketing techniques are the triggers that push consumers to buy your product, PR is the thing that gives people confidence in your brand. Here’s a fictional example to explain the critical difference.

People are bombarded by digital ads every few seconds. Let’s say your product is a magnesium supplement for muscle recovery and restful sleep. Your innovative branding, packaging, and even the product itself are deserving of headlines. You know that – but your prospective customer doesn’t. They’re going to Google magnesium supplements and, for the next four days, will be buried under a slew of online ads for every magnesium-based pill, powder, and potion under the sun.

But, here’s the difference that PR makes – after people see your ad and research your product, they’ll see that it’s been published in trusted publications. Now, the next time they see an ad, they’re that much more likely to purchase your product instead of a competitor’s.

That’s because PR creates authority, authority inspires trust, and trust builds customer loyalty. It’s like a burr effect – PR makes sure that the seed of your brand sticks in a prospect’s mind until they see an ad for your product, which acts as the trigger to purchase. PR gets you to the table, and marketing closes the deal. You need them both, but PR is the thing that will create the burr effect.

The power of media coverage for brand awareness

While PR is by no means limited to print and digital media, it would be unwise to discount the importance of a well-placed media feature in a publication that aligns with your brand identity and your target audience. A media feature is an evergreen asset that works just as hard as a backlink to your site as it does on a pitch deck for prospective investors, for much longer than the average marketing asset at that.

Plus, the tagline “as featured on [insert brand-matched publication]” becomes a coveted endorsement that fortifies the trustworthiness of your brand, differentiating and often elevating it above the competition. Finally, getting your product featured in magazines is a smart way to increase brand awareness in market verticals that aren’t currently being targeted by your current marketing strategy.

The dos and don’ts of consumer product PR: how to get featured in magazines

So, you want to know how to get your product featured in magazines? This PR cheat sheet will give you a brief overview of dos and don’t that media relations experts consider essential.

Do be prepared to send out product samples (for free)

If you want journalists to write about your product, you have to show them how it works. Sending samples is a standard practice of exposing the press to your product so that they can write about it in their publication.

But don’t be fooled into thinking that this is a quid pro quo exchange. Sending a sample is not a guarantee that the journalist will feature your product in the next issue, though it certainly helps with brand stickiness (remember the burr effect?). Journalists don’t work for you; but, they can help your PR work very hard for you. What is guaranteed is without sending a sample, your product will not get featured in a magazine.

Getting Featured in a Magazine: Don’t treat the press like the enemy

Unless you’re dealing with hyper-specific circumstances in which an investigative journalist is doing their job, the press is not angling for a “gotcha!” moment – they’re angling for a story that their readers want to read. You can drop your guard. Respect your interviewer’s time, come to the interview prepared, and approach the exchange with the same degree of professionalism that you would in a meeting with an investor or a dream client.

Do manage your own expectations and timelines with fluidity

PR is a powerful tool, but it’s not magic. An accomplished boutique PR agency will have the capacity and expertise to shoot for the moon with audacity and accuracy in equal parts, but first-timers should make peace with the idea of landing among the stars. Either way, PR is designed to take your brand to new heights.

It’s also useful to bear in mind that, because your PR team works quite closely and fluidly with a vast network of fast-moving journalists, you might need to make quick decisions about your availability for interviews and product features.

Don’t sign up for a long-term commitment if you don’t need to

Committing to the high ROI of PR efforts shouldn’t have to mean committing to high-intensity, long-term plans. For consumer product brands who want to develop a punchy product pitch, or simply want to sample the power of PR without taking the plunge, a micro PR contract could be the answer and a way to get featured in a magazine.

Enter the race with an Avaans PR sprint

PR can be a sprint, not a marathon. Avaans Media offers seasonal micro PR sprints for consumer product brands who are new to PR, want to launch a new product, or want to reduce their PR budget by up to 80%. Get in touch today.

The landscape of consumer marketing and PR is perpetually shifting, with the direct-to-consumer (DTC) models marking one of the most significant trends in recent years. This model, particularly within the consumer packaged goods (CPG) sector, has transformed how brands connect with and sell to customers. By bypassing traditional retail channels, DTC CPG companies are reshaping consumer expectations and experiences. Integral to this transformation is the role of public relations.

As a cornerstone of communication strategies, PR helps DTC CPG brands build an image, communicate with audiences directly, and craft narratives that resonate in a crowded marketplace.

Understanding the nuances of DTC CPG public relations is essential for startups and established brands alike. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide to this dynamic field, offering insights into its history, what it entails, the benefits, and current trends, including the recognition of top consumer PR agencies and the impact of accolades like the Inc. Power Partners Awards.

The History and Evolution of Consumer Public Relations

Historically, consumer public relations revolved around garnering media attention for products typically found on retail shelves in various departmental stores. Brands would strive to secure coverage in print media, television, and, more recently, digital platforms to influence consumer behavior. The aim was to boost visibility and credibility through third-party endorsements from the media.

However, over the years, as the DTC model has risen, the focus of consumer product PR has expanded heavily. Now, it’s not just about getting a product mentioned in the online or offline media; it’s more about forging a direct line of communication and trust with consumers, fostering a community around a brand, and using storytelling to differentiate products in a saturated market.

The evolution of PR in the CPG sector is closely linked to the emergence of the DTC model. As technology advanced, it provided an opportunity for brands to sell directly to consumers online, bypassing traditional retail middlemen. This DTC approach offered numerous benefits, including greater control over brand messaging, direct customer feedback, and higher profit margins.

Key Components of Consumer PR

  • Media Relations: Securing coverage in both traditional and new digital media.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with influencers to tap into their follower base.
  • Content Marketing: Creating valuable content that resonates with the target audience.
  • Social Management: Engaging and managing the overall brand image on social platforms.
  • Crisis Management: Preparing for and responding to any negative issues or press.

The Role of Public Relations for Consumer Products

The public relations model for DTC CPG brands offers a myriad of benefits, altering how these brands approach marketing and customer engagement. From the control of branding to the nimble response to market shifts, DTC CPG PR paves the way for a more intimate brand-consumer rapport.

Enhanced Brand Control

DTC operations empower brands with unprecedented control over their narrative. This autonomy in branding and messaging ensures that the public image remains undiluted. Direct sales to consumers eliminate intermediaries, granting DTC brands the authority to craft their reputation with precision, aligning every campaign and communication with the brand’s ethos and long-term strategic vision.

Customer Data Insights

The DTC approach facilitates direct communication, yielding rich customer data. This data is the lifeblood of targeted PR campaigns, offering insights into consumer behaviors. Leveraging this information means PR initiatives can be exceptionally tailored, ensuring that every message resonates deeply with the intended audience and increasing campaign efficacy and consumer engagement.

Agility and Flexibility

The agility afforded to DTC CPG companies is unparalleled. They can pivot with alacrity, adapting PR strategies in real time to address market fluctuations or consumer sentiment shifts. This responsiveness is invaluable in maintaining relevance and momentum in the fast-paced CPG landscape, ensuring that PR efforts remain aligned with current trends and customer expectations.

Authentic Customer Relationships

The cornerstone of DTC PR is forging genuine connections with customers. Engaging consumers directly not only personalizes their experience but also cements long-standing relationships for years to come. These authentic interactions are a fundamental component of successful PR, as they foster trust and loyalty, which are critical in converting one-time buyers into lifelong brand advocates.

The Role of Top Consumer PR Agencies

Top consumer PR agencies play a pivotal role in shaping the success of DTC CPG brands. These agencies specialize in understanding consumer behavior and crafting messages that connect with target audiences. They also have the expertise to navigate the digital landscape, where much of the DTC interaction takes place. Moreover, recognition through reputed platforms such as the Inc. Power Partners Awards (IPPA) can catapult a public relations agency to the forefront of the industry.

Consumer Marketing Trends and Influence on PR

As the DTC CPG sector evolves, so do the marketing trends that shape it. PR strategies must adapt to these CPG Marketing Trends to stay effective. Some current trends include the following:


In the era of data-driven marketing, personalization has become the linchpin of customer engagement. Brands that harness consumer data to tailor communications see a substantial increase in connection and conversion. Personalized PR campaigns resonate more deeply, resulting in a more meaningful dialogue between brand and consumer and fostering a sense of individual attention.


Now more than ever, consumers demand transparency and responsibility from brands. A commitment to sustainability is not just ethical but also resonates with the values of a growing eco-conscious audience. Effective PR strategies communicate this commitment, demonstrating a brand’s dedication to sustainable practices and its role in driving positive environmental change.

Technology Utilization

Innovative technology such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are transforming brand experiences. By integrating these technologies, PR campaigns offer immersive experiences. This showcases a brand’s innovation and modernity, creating memorable interactions that can elevate the consumer’s journey and deepen brand affinity.

Community Building

Building a community goes beyond transactional relationships; it cultivates a sense of belonging among consumers. When CPG brands focus on community building, they nurture brand advocates and create a loyal customer base. PR strategies that encourage community engagement contribute to a supportive ecosystem where loyalty is strengthened, and consumer insights are gleaned.

Steps to Build a Successful Consumer PR Strategy

In the fast-paced world of DTC CPG brands, an effective PR strategy is a crucial component for success. It requires careful planning and execution. Here, we outline the fundamental steps necessary to construct a PR strategy that resonates with your audience and amplifies your brand message.

Define Objectives

Setting clear objectives is the compass that guides your PR campaign. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This provides direction for all PR activities, ensuring that every effort is aligned with what the brand actually aims to accomplish, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, launching new products, or entering new markets.

Understand the Audience

Grasping the nuances of your target audience is crucial. Believe it or not, this basic understanding goes beyond demographics to psychographics – the interests, behaviors, and preferences that define them. Knowing your audience informs the tone, content, and direction of your PR messaging, ensuring that it resonates on a deeper level and genuinely connects with those you aim to reach.

Craft the Message

A compelling message is the heartbeat of your PR strategy. It should encapsulate your brand values, emphasize your ethos, highlight your unique selling propositions, and speak directly to consumer interests. This message must be consistent across all platforms yet adaptable enough to remain relevant in various contexts and formats, ensuring it engages and inspires action and drives results.

Choose the Right Channels

Selecting appropriate channels is critical to ensuring your message reaches your intended audience. This decision should be informed by where your audience is most receptive to communication. Whether it’s engaging through social media, targeted email campaigns, influencer collaborations, or traditional media outlets, choosing the right channels maximizes the impact of your PR efforts.

Measure and Adapt

The only way to gauge the success of a PR campaign is through diligent measurement. First things first, utilize analytics to track reach, engagement, and conversion. This data provides insights into what’s working and what isn’t, allowing for real-time adjustments. Adapting your strategy based on these metrics ensures continuous improvement and a greater return on your PR investment.

Launching a CPG Startup with Effective PR

Launching a CPG startup in the DTC space requires a robust PR strategy. Therefore, startups must establish a strong brand identity, create buzz around their product launches, and maintain momentum through sustained PR efforts. Key considerations for a CPG startup include:

Budget Efficiency

For a CPG startup, it’s essential to craft a PR strategy that delivers maximum impact without overstretching financial resources. This means identifying cost-effective methods, such as leveraging organic social media reach or securing earned media coverage, to build brand awareness. Efficient budgeting can lead to significant returns on investment, driving growth even with limited funds.

Media Savviness

Gaining media attention is pivotal for a CPG startup. It’s about crafting stories that resonate with journalists and their audiences. With resources often limited, startups must be cunning, using newsworthy angles and timely pitches to break through the noise. Understanding the media landscape is critical to securing coverage that can catapult a brand from obscurity to recognition.

Digital Focus

A digital-first approach is indispensable for a CPG startup looking to make waves in the DTC sector. This involves a strategic presence on social media, content marketing, and influencer partnerships to amplify reach. Focusing on digital allows for detailed targeting and analytics, enabling startups to efficiently reach and engage with the desired audiences and track the success of their campaigns.

Challenges and Opportunities in DTC CPG Public Relations

While consumer PR presents many opportunities, it’s not without its challenges. Some include:

  • Necessity of holistic storytelling that resonates on multiple levels.
  • Imperative for unparalleled customer service that bolsters public perception.
  • Critical need for efficient logistics to fulfill customer expectations.
  • Essential management of customer data to tailor and refine PR efforts.
  • Immense growth opportunities for those who skillfully navigate the PR landscape.
  • Potential for deepened brand affinity through effective communication and engagement.

The Future of DTC CPG PR

The horizon of DTC CPG PR is expected to shimmer with innovation as brands leverage cutting-edge technologies to enhance consumer engagement. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will transform brand storytelling, offering immersive experiences that could deepen emotional connections with consumers, turning casual browsers into loyal and vocal brand ambassadors.

On the other hand, as data analytics become increasingly sophisticated, DTC CPG PR strategies will likely become more personalized, predictive, and preemptive. PR campaigns will be crafted using insights gleaned from big data, enabling brands to anticipate consumer needs and trends, thereby delivering relevant content that resonates with the target audience at just the right moment.

Finally, sustainability and authenticity will become the cornerstones of future DTC CPG PR efforts. Consumers are gravitating towards brands that not only talk the talk but also walk the walk in terms of ecological and social responsibility. Transparent and genuine public relation narratives that align with a brand’s ethical actions will foster ultimate trust and loyalty in a competitive market.

To conclude, DTC CPG public relations represents a dynamic and integral facet of brand strategy in the modern marketplace. From the strategic insights provided by top consumer PR agencies to the innovations recognized by the Inc. Power Partners Awards, the field is both challenging and rich with opportunity. As CPG marketing trends continue to evolve, so too must the approaches to consumer product PR. At the end of the day, for any notable brand, particularly a CPG startup, navigating this space with a strong and adaptable PR strategy can make all the difference.

Elevate Your DTC CPG Brand with Avaans Media’s Expert PR Services

For emerging industries and hyper-growth companies looking to navigate the complexities of DTC CPG public relations, partnering with an experienced agency can be transformative. Avaans Media stands out as a top-rated, award-winning PR agency with an executive-level team of big thinkers whose eye for detail provides exceptional results. So, what’s stopping you? Contact us today.

What Consumer Brands Should Know About ChatGPT and SEO

Establishing a solid online presence has become a critical goal for consumer brands in today’s dynamic and linked digital ecosystem. The virtual world is no longer an afterthought; it is a crucial area where businesses can interact with their target consumers, build loyalty, and drive conversions. But ChatGPT is confusing. Or is it? Here’s what consumer brands should know about ChatGPT and SEO.

The combination of artificial intelligence (AI) with digital marketing has emerged as a game-changing concept as consumer habits shift and technology redefines marketing techniques.

ChatGPT has evolved as a groundbreaking instrument in artificial intelligence, exemplifying the next generation of marketing innovation. Top PR agencies and consumer PR agencies can harness the potential of ChatGPT to craft engaging content, enriching their content marketing strategies. Brands can leverage the power of AI-generated content to engage and resonate with their consumers on a whole new level by leveraging the possibilities of ChatGPT.

This invention complements Search Engine Optimization (SEO), ensuring companies’ online content appears prominently in search engine results.

The Digital Opportunity

Today’s consumer companies operate where the lines between physical and digital encounters are increasingly blurred. The advent of social media, e-commerce, and online reviews has generated a digital footprint that impacts customer perceptions and purchase decisions. Brands, including top PR agencies and consumer PR agencies, need a solid digital presence to avoid becoming obsolete and losing out to competitors that successfully navigate the digital terrain.

This has led to increased demand for content. And while content is in demand, it’s not easy to create. Think of ChatGPT as a content collaborator.  ChatGPT is a great way to brainstorm topics and even structure a piece. Savvy promoters can speed up content creation considerably while maintaining brand voice when they use ChatGPT as a partner rather than a replacement for content.

The Impact of AI on Marketing

AI is a driving factor behind novel marketing tactics amid this digital change. ChatGPT is at the vanguard of the AI revolution, a tool driven by powerful language models that can produce human-like writing depending on the input it gets. Top PR agencies and consumer PR agencies can harness this AI wonder to quickly create exciting content that connects with their target audiences, ranging from social media postings to blog articles.

This AI wonder helps organizations quickly create exciting content that connects with their target audiences, ranging from social media postings to blog articles.

Furthermore, ChatGPT, a game-changer in consumer PR, may successfully simulate human contact, enabling previously inconceivable tailored consumer engagement and brand engagements. Brands may use ChatGPT to develop conversational experiences that increase consumer happiness and loyalty.

SEO and Convergence

The combination of ChatGPT and SEO for consumer brands is a confluence of technologies that has the potential to reshape how businesses, including consumer PR agencies, approach digital marketing… SEO, a tried-and-true method, tries to improve the visibility of online material in search engine results. Brands may get a new level of exposure and engagement by combining ChatGPT-generated content with SEO methods.

Understanding ChatGPT and Its Application in Consumer Branding:

ChatGPT emerges as a transforming instrument in modern marketing, where tailored and authentic connections are essential. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, “Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer,” is an AI language model. It is a brilliant example of natural language processing breakthroughs, meant to create human-like prose that mimics the style and tone of human speech.

ChatGPT’s skills: ChatGPT’s skills are fuelled by its training in massive quantities of text from many sources. This training provides the model with syntax, context, and semantics knowledge, allowing it to create coherent, contextually relevant writing strikingly comparable to human-generated material, which makes it a valuable asset for Top PR agencies and consumer PR agencies seeking to enhance their content marketing strategies and Google rankings through expertly crafted consumer PR content.

Creating Engaging Content

One of ChatGPT’s most intriguing uses is in content production. Top PR agencies can leverage it to generate content, from blog articles and social media updates to product descriptions and email marketing. Companies use it to create content, from blog articles and social media updates to product descriptions and email marketing. This tool functions as a diverse content generator, capable of matching the brand’s voice and connecting with its target audience.

Furthermore, ChatGPT’s capacity to produce entertaining content goes beyond words. It can also write headlines that catch people’s attention, introductions that grab their interest, and conclusions that make an impression. By automating content development, brands can maintain a steady supply of relevant and captivating content.

Advantages of Using ChatGPT

  • Time Efficiency: Traditional content development techniques can be time-demanding and labor-intensive. ChatGPT speeds up content creation, allowing top and consumer PR agencies to allocate more time to strategic planning and high-level duties.

ChatGPT enables marketers to develop diversified content across several platforms and media quickly. This variety avoids content fatigue and keeps the viewer interested.

ChatGPT may be implemented into customer care chatbots, allowing firms to give quick and tailored solutions to consumer inquiries. This degree of involvement boosts client pleasure and loyalty.

  • Scalability: As a brand’s online presence grows, especially for Top PR agencies, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain a steady flow of material. The scalability of ChatGPT overcomes this issue by creating content on demand, providing a consistent and relevant online presence.

ChatGPT’s multilingual features enable marketers to reach a worldwide audience by quickly creating content in several languages.

ChatGPT may act as an idea generator, igniting creativity and inventive thinking inside marketing teams. It provides a fresh perspective and inspires new content perspectives. It is invaluable for consumer PR agencies aiming to stay ahead in the dynamic world of content marketing and Google rankings.

  • Adaptability: Consumer tastes and trends change at a quick pace. ChatGPT’s versatility enables marketers to instantly pivot and generate content that syncs with the newest trends, ensuring that consumer PR content remains adaptable and resonates with ever-evolving consumer preferences.

Consumer Brand SEO Essentials:

Explaining the Fundamentals of SEO and its Importance

SEO  is the footing of current digital marketing, especially for consumer PR agencies. At its core, SEO refers to a set of methods and procedures to increase a brand’s exposure and organic presence on search engine results pages (SERPs). The highest goal of SEO is to rank higher for relevant search queries, resulting in more significant organic traffic to a brand’s website or online channels.

SEO is essential in a world where search engines are customers’ primary source of information. Brands that optimize their online content for search engines are more likely to be found by their target audience, resulting in improved brand awareness and website traffic. But does Google hate ChatGPT? It’s not quite so clear-cut. But the answer lies in the quality of your content and the value you provide to the reader.

Keyword Role in SEO and Relationship to Provided Keywords

Keywords are crucial to SEO. People use these search words to find information, products, or services on search engines. Consumer companies may connect their products with user intent and boost the chance of their content ranking better in search results by carefully inserting relevant keywords into their content.

In the context of the offered keywords—”top public relations firms,” “consumer public relations firms,” “content marketing,” “Google,” and “consumer public relations”—each phrase provides insight into what users are actively searching for. Brands may utilize these keywords to produce content that responds to user inquiries and promotes them as authoritative authorities.

The Importance of Relevant, High-Quality Content in SEO Strategies:

While keywords are important in SEO, they are only one puzzle component. Search engines continuously develop to emphasize providing consumers with the most relevant and helpful material. As a result, the quality of the content itself significantly influences a company’s SEO performance.

For various reasons, creating high-quality, relevant material is critical:

  • User Engagement: Engaging content keeps people on a website for longer, lowering bounce rates and indicating to search engines that the material is worthwhile.
  • Backlinks: High-quality content is more likely to gain backlinks from authoritative sites, boosting a brand’s SEO reputation, particularly for consumer PR agencies, where credibility is vital.
  • User Experience: Good content improves the user experience by offering helpful information, answering queries, and resolving pain spots.
  • Ranking variables: When deciding a page’s ranking, search engines analyze content depth, distinctiveness, and user involvement.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Quality content effortlessly weaves long-tail keywords, such as those related to “consumer PR,” “content marketing,” and “Top PR agencies,” into its fabric.

The ChatGPT-SEO Union

Including ChatGPT in SEO Strategies for Better Content Creation:

The combination of ChatGPT and SEO offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for consumer companies, especially consumer PR agencies, to revolutionize their content generation processes. The capacity of ChatGPT to create high-quality, contextually relevant content may be effortlessly incorporated into SEO efforts, enhancing the effect of both disciplines.

Brands may establish a virtuous cycle by employing ChatGPT to generate content that corresponds with SEO objectives: AI-generated content improves SEO, and good SEO guarantees that the AI-generated content reaches a broader audience. This combination of technology and strategies gives consumer brands an aggressive advantage in the digital world.

ChatGPT-Generated Content SEO Optimization

Integrating ChatGPT-generated content with SEO necessitates a calculated strategy. Here are some tips for marketers on how to optimize AI-generated content for search engines:

  • Keyword Integration: Find keywords related to the brand’s aims and target audience. Incorporate these keywords into the AI-generated material organically, ensuring they fit contextually and do not disturb the flow.
  • Semantic variants: Use ChatGPT to investigate semantic variants of target terms. It increases the complexity and relevancy of the text while avoiding the overuse of exact-match keywords.
  • Structured Format: To organize your information, use headers, subheadings, and bullet points. It improves readability and communicates to search engines the structure of vital material.
  • Metadata: Create engaging meta titles and descriptions that include target keywords. These elements influence click-through rates and the search engine performance of a page, which is essential for consumer PR
  • Internal and external links: Include pertinent internal and external links inside the material to give readers more value and context.

The Difficulties of Using AI-Generated Content for SEO

While the potential benefits of combining AI-generated content with SEO are enormous, especially for consumer PR agencies, there are several issues to consider:

  • Authenticity: Sometimes, AI-generated material lacks the human touch that provides authenticity and emotional resonance. Brands must ensure that the material continues to represent their voice and values.
  • Quality Control: Not all AI-generated material is equal. To avoid errors or information that does not correspond with their image, brands must maintain strict quality control.
  • Overusing terms in AI-generated content can result in keyword stuffing, negatively influencing SEO. It is crucial to strike the right balance between optimization and naturalness.
  • Unintended Bias: AI algorithms may create biased or contentious information accidentally. Brands must carefully evaluate and modify AI-generated content to minimize unforeseen negative consequences, particularly in the sensitive realm of consumer PR.
  • Originality: Search engines place a premium on unique material. Brands should ensure that AI-generated content does not simply repeat existing content but adds a fresh viewpoint.

Improving Google Rankings with ChatGPT and SEO

Examining the “E-A-T” Concept of SEO and Content Quality

Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness,” or “E-A-T,” is a notion that Google employs to evaluate the quality of web material. When deciding on search engine results, it’s essential to consider, especially for information about health, money, or other sensitive areas.

  • Expertise: In consumer PR and content marketing, establishing authoritativeness is vital. Content should reflect a thorough comprehension of the subject area, highlighting the author’s knowledge.
  • Authoritarianism: The author’s content should establish them as a reputable source backed by appropriate qualifications and authoritative references.
  • Trustworthiness: Content should give accurate, dependable information and be upfront about sources and biases.

AI-Generated Content Optimization for E-A-T and SEO

Using ChatGPT for content production while adhering to the E-A-T rules may significantly improve a brand’s Google ranking. Here’s how to improve the E-A-T and SEO of AI-generated content:

  • Research and Credibility of Sources: Use ChatGPT to develop material and back it up with trustworthy sources. Cite reliable sources to boost the credibility of the article.

Develop material that demonstrates your brand’s competence in the industry. Share one-of-a-kind ideas, case studies, and experiences that establish your company as a knowledgeable authority.

  • Author Profiles: If appropriate, include author profiles with relevant qualifications to create authority and develop confidence with readers.
  • Openness: Clear any possible conflicts of interest and relationships with your audience, encouraging openness and creating trust.
  • Originality: While AI-generated material may be helpful, be sure it adds unique perspectives to the discourse. Try to refrain from regurgitating conventional knowledge.
  • Interaction Signals: User interaction, such as comments, shares, and time spent on a page, indicates the worth of content to search engines.
  • Updates regularly: Keep AI-generated material fresh and up to date. Returning and updating information indicates your dedication to accuracy. Experiment with various information formats—articles, videos, and infographics—to appeal to varied learning styles and preferences.
  • User-Centric Approach: Make it a priority to create content that meets your audience’s requirements, such as answering questions and giving answers.

Final Thoughts

Standing steady means staying caught up in the fast-paced world of digital marketing. ChatGPT, on the other hand, provides a platform for experimentation. Consumer businesses, including top PR agencies, are encouraged to investigate its possibilities for content production and improving consumer interactions and engagement.

However, when companies begin on this path, keeping consumer trust and the E-A-T principles in mind is critical. Innovation should complement, not undermine, the trust and authenticity pillars of brand success.

You have a new product to launch. How can you ensure consumers find it when they’re shopping? Marketing experts say the average person sees between 4,000 and 10,000 ads in a single day; everyone of them claiming to be perfectly targeted to your ideal customer. People tune out most ads. But for DTC brands, the ad addiction is real. Why? Because it’s easy to establish direct ROI. Even when brands know the ROI isn’t great, they can’t seem to get off the treadmill because they know what to expect.  And with AI emerging, there is likely to be further disruption in the consumer industry. You’ve worked so hard to create a great brand and a great product. So, if not for advertising, how do people discover new brands today?


Give Them a Reason to Talk About Your Brand

Because we’re so inundated with signals and ads, buyers rely on friends and family for suggestions more than ever to help them filter through the choices. Every consumer brand understands the value of reviews, but referrals from friends and family are even more essential. 27% of consumers rely on trusted sources like friends for new brand discovery. Also, the older the target customer, the more likely they are to rely on advice from friends, with GenX (30%) and Boomers (35%) relying most heavily on friends and family.

But giving your advocates a gentle nudge and a reason to share your info with friends is even more important. We see this a lot with referral codes. Still, when a customer wants to advocate for you, or want to tell a friend about you, they aren’t likely going to go digging around for a creepy referral link that makes the receiver think their friend is only recommending a brand so they can save $10. It’s icky.

Instead, think about your content and social proof. For example, write tangential content that’s interesting and useful to your customer, not just about your brand. For example, if you’re a food brand, then write content about your favorite cooking tools in your test kitchen.

Also, when you secure consumer press, celebrate it with your customers. This IS a good time to offer a promo code because it’s one more reason to say to a friend, “hey, this is the skincare lotion you asked me about; it’s on sale,” AND it comes right next to the social proof that backs up your customer’s choice to share your product.


Search Engine Love

31% of consumers find new products on search engines. Consumers use search engines during two buying phases: the research phase and the buying phase. You want to be present for both, because that’s how people discover new brands

First, assuming your website is well constructed, and your product pages are well designed, your next step is to embrace the reality of the internet: content marketing. With the latest advances in AI-generated content, creating content for your website has never been easier. Just be sure to review your content and ensure the quality is there because content is often a consumer’s first exposure to your brand. There are countless ways you can use content marketing. Look at the way Sarah Blakely was always the #1 brand advocate for Spanx.

Second, if you sell DTC, use Google’s product review advice to help you build content that matters to customers. Our annual guide has many tips and hints about building consumer content that will help you stand out in search engine results.

But it’s not just owned content that customers love. When potential customers search for products, they’re in the buying phase, and that’s when they’re looking for reviews that jump out at them from search results: reviews by trusted media outlets. This is really important because publishers have massive amounts of content and SEO, so their product reviews are highly visible. And it doesn’t seem to matter if the press outlet uses affiliate links, so long as it’s disclosed. We’ve had clients sell out warehouses full of product due to affiliate links. Notably, affiliate links from friends might seem creepy, but product review affiliate links from media outlets are perfectly acceptable. Why might that be? When you learn about how people view lures and rewards, that’s another reason you must allow your marketing and PR to work together when considering your DTC consumer.

Influencers Gonna Influence

We can’t really talk about DTC PR without talking about social media influencers. It’s not just younger generations turning to TikTok for product discovery. And social networks catch buyer in all three phases – the awareness phase, the buying phase, when they’re researching a product, and the curiosity phase. Ensure your influencer campaigns work for both those phases, and be conscious of how impulsive your customers are when strategizing campaigns with content creators, because buyers are increasingly impulsive on platforms like TikTok.; 65% of GenZ and Millenials make impulse buying decisions at least once per month, compared to 38% of GenX and Boomers.


Using these modern PR tips to capitalize on how people discover new brands and tactics will make your investment pay for itself much faster.

If you’re counting the number of blogs that mention your company’s name to measure PR success, you’re doing it wrong. Rather than using antiquated methods to gauge PR success, you should hire a reputable consumer technology PR agency that can entice consumers while building trust and credibility. Mastering the art of consumer tech PR means tapping into consumers’ imaginations and early adopter excitement.

According to research, companies launch an estimated 30,000 new products yearly. However, a large number of those tech products (around 80%) fail to make an impact. If you want to avoid your consumer tech product being one of them, then hire the expertise of a consumer technology PR agency to ensure your tech product hits the ground running.

What Is Consumer Electronics PR?

PR is the process of anticipating, identifying, and managing public opinion. While marketing is about improving sales for a company, consumer PR is more focused on developing and nurturing the company’s image. Consumer electronics PR or tech PR is the process of maintaining a company’s tech identity online by not just telling a relatable brand story but also providing valuable information on the products and services of a company.

Consumer electronics PR is the art of establishing and sustaining the excellent image of a technology-focused company. A public relations professional’s primary responsibility is to help build and maintain relationships between a business and its consumers.

It frequently means juggling several media-facing initiatives to develop a positive image between the brand and the consumer. The PR expert will also develop lasting collaborations between a tech brand and influencers, journalists, and publications. A consumer technology PR agency can weave a narrative that works in the brand’s best interest by forming a good working relationship with various media sources.

Some other responsibilities of consumer tech PR are to share information by creating and sending press releases or letters to government officials, media houses, and even the public. By doing this, a consumer technology PR agency can help spread the word whenever they launch a new technology product or service that is developed or updated. Time and well-thought communiqué ensure that all stakeholders and consumers are always in the know.

Since the role of consumer tech PR agencies is to help build connections and promote a tech brand, the consumer tech PR staff also attends essential networking events. These events may include conferences, workshops, industry-specific seminars, corporate events, fairs, and even virtual groups to help build a clientele for the tech startup or business in person and via the written word.

Why Do You Need a Consumer Technology PR Agency?

Hiring a professional company to handle your consumer tech PR is essential because they tailor their messaging for effective communication with the target demographic. For instance, even though a consumer is interested in a particular tech product, they will still need to understand all of the features and the technical jargon that goes along with it.

Instead of confusing potential customers with jargon-rich messaging that’s unreadable at best for the layman, hiring the expertise of consumer tech PR agencies can help get the message across without muddling up the message. Forcing businesses and startups to operate in an increasingly competitive environment makes you feel the need for consumer electronics PR more than ever.

Companies operating in the tech niche also use consumer tech PR agencies to announce significant events in the company. These include launching new products or features, essential milestones, new team members, acquisitions, award ceremonies, and industry-related news. PR agencies help a tech-based company or startup convey its values and increase brand loyalty by sharing important events with its users and potential customers. Furthermore, a tech company can leverage the services of consumer tech PR agencies to show off their successes and establish their brand as an authority in a particular sector.

A consumer tech PR agency has the expertise to create buzz whenever a company launches a new electrical product or if they reposition an electrical product or another typical service. Ultimately, it’s all about making your tech company stand out.

With the electronic market booming and launching new tech-focused brands every day, it pays to hire professionals who can help get your brand’s message across. It is where a consumer technology PR agency comes in. The services offered by a consumer tech PR agency can ensure that your customers and potential buyers are always kept up-to-date on the latest technological advancements and products you have to offer.

In short, one of the most far-reaching and cost-effective ways to carry out a PR campaign is to ensure a consumer tech PR strategy covers all the tech products and services a brand offers.

Mastering the Art of Consumer Electronics Public Relations for Startups

As a tech startup, you will compete with multiple competitors for a slice of a particular target demographic. The bad news is simply ensuring you have a functioning product will take longer. For any tech business or startup, backing with a robust PR campaign to ensure your new product or feature launch can make all the difference.

By hiring a consumer technology PR agency that will leverage its rapport with industry-specific professionals, you can ensure the success of a new tech product launch or feature addition.

For instance, it is not unheard of for businesses and startups in the tech space to pitch ideas that focus not just on the product but also on the brand and its founders to pique the interest of the trade and consumer press, along with other vital drivers who will help boost the results of your consumer technology PR efforts.

Tools such as infographics, videos, illustrations, and high-end photography are essential to showcase the various features of a tech product. However, they will only be helpful if you know who to share them with. It is why a consumer tech PR campaign usually includes inviting key influencers and journalists who cover the tech space and can have first-hand experience using your product.

Having authority journalists and influencers use and review the products is a great way to sway public opinion of your tech product. It can also help consumers make more informed decisions. Furthermore, making your tech product accessible in this way can build trust by showing consumers you don’t just care about your product but also their needs. Regardless of your PR needs, hiring the right consumer technology PR agency will meticulously plan and execute the perfect PR activity with a high ROI, whether a trade show launch or an intimate rooftop party.

Hiring a Consumer Technology PR Agency?

Before hiring a consumer technology PR agency, you must make sure they can help establish and maintain long-term connections with industry leaders, journalists, influencers, and media outlets that are technology focused. It will ensure that a tech business or startup can create engaging and entertaining content by utilizing all the tools in its comprehensive toolbox. This includes case studies, thought leadership pieces, and media releases.

Apart from that, a consumer technology PR agency should also be able to provide high-quality strategic advice and crisis management solutions whenever needed, along with an analyst relations strategy. Consumer tech PR is a critical part of companies that operate within the tech sphere. It can help them establish thought leadership and credibility apart from generating buzz surrounding a particular tech product or service. The following points are just a few factors to consider when choosing consumer tech PR agencies;

A Solid Understanding – A consumer tech PR agency must have a good grip on tech-related jargon and all other aspects of the tech industry. It includes having PR professionals with the right experience and skill set to ensure that the correct technical jargon is used and not overused and that all essential features and specs have been highlighted.

Good Rapport – Another crucial factor in considering consumer tech PR agencies is hiring a company with a good knowledge of authority writers and influencers in the tech niche. In short, they should have a long list of reviewers, bloggers, podcasters, influencers, and journalists who can sway the public’s perception of a tech company or startup.

Thought Leadership Initiatives – Understanding the trends, topics, and angles that best resonate with the target demographic is crucial to success. Hiring a reputable consumer tech PR agency will ensure they can create and execute thought leadership initiatives to benefit both the consumers and the users. While many companies within the tech industry tend to publish high-quality thought leadership content relevant to their goals, the requirements of these publications may vary, which is why it pays to hire an experienced consumer tech PR agency with a strong relationship with publications and various media outlets.

If you have (or planning to launch), a technology firm using a consumer tech PR agency can eliminate the guesswork of communicating your brand’s objectives with the average consumer. The messaging that consumer tech PR agencies use is also more relatable since they can share the importance of tech products and features in a jargon-free manner that’s easy for the average consumer to understand.

Message and Tone – Once the industry-specific messaging is created to help build awareness, the PR agency can fine-tune the message to help tech startups and businesses establish trust with the consumer. By leveraging tech media campaigns with industry insights, consumer tech PR agencies are better positioned to help companies in the tech industry reach their goals and create heightened brand awareness and recognition.

Ending Note

By now, you should have a comprehensible image of consumer public relations and how they can benefit technology-based businesses. Since technology lies at the heart of everything we do, including creating a PR strategy, it pays to invest in the right consumer technology PR agency that can do all of the heavy liftings for you when handling all consumer-focused press relations.

Consumer tech PR agencies are responsible for developing and nurturing a uniform communications strategy for tech-focused businesses and startups. Find out how to create, manage, and analyze display, FaceBook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and email campaigns with AdRoll.

What sets their services apart is that the overall consumer PR strategy is spearheaded by leveraging their years of experience with robust communication strategies that can take your PR efforts to the next level.

In short, consumer electronics public relations are crucial for tech firms to get the much-needed publicity they need to stand out.

2023 has been a roller coaster for businesses. From CPG to consumer electronics, consumer brands look for ways to see inside the looking glass for the pivotal Q4 holiday spending season. Mixed signals abound. In the spring, Kiplinger’s Economic Outlets says e-commerce and general merchandise spending remains strong and core sales (even adjusted for inflation) were up .6%, but sporting goods, clothing, and grocery continue to decline, this spring. But Father’s Day spending is expected to set records (National Retail Federation), as did Mother’s Day spending. E-commerce and DTC brands wonder how they should plan for the 2023 holiday spending season?

What are the top consumer stats for 2023 that ambitious consumer brands need to know?

  • 86% of consumers say online sources helped them make more informed decisions (Google)
  • Holiday spending in 2023 is expected to increase 4.5% to $1.3 trillion in 2023 (Insider Intelligence)
  • 98% of consumers plan to purchase a Christmas gift (Supermarket News)
  • 55% of consumers have made a purchase directly from email (Cheetah Digital)
  • 88% of consumers plan increased food-related purchases for Thanksgiving (Supermarket News)
  • 31% of consumers say inflation will have a moderate impact on their spending (Numerator)
  • Purchases from banner ads are down 36% (Cheetah Digital)
  • In 2022, 80% of consumers researched or browsed before making a purchase (Google)
  • In 2022, 20% of consumers made a purchase on impulse (Google)
  • 72% of U.S. consumers are prepared to purchase more from their preferred brands (Cheetah Digital)



Sometimes it’s hard to get a handle on how the consumer feels, especially since your analytics and stats are always backward-looking. That’s why it’s helpful to look at how major retailers view the marketplace.

What are big brands saying about 2023 consumer spending?

“We continue to see some improvements in many items, commodity prices are starting to fall – not back to pre-COVID levels in some examples, but continue to provide some relief – things like chicken, bacon, butter, steel, resin, nuts…Our average transactions, our shopping frequency is up…So those things bode well, but people certainly are spending their dollars where they feel like they should be spending them.” – Costco CFP Richard Galanti


“What we are seeing is the consumer making $80,000 a year is trading down…The current economic climate is driving more higher-income consumers into value retail.” – Dollar Tree CEO Rick Dreiling


“..We believe the desire to be with loved ones, go on vacation, and attend events has not diminished, and expect gift-giving and occasion-based demand to continue. – Macy’s CEO Jeff Gennette


Top trends driving consumer spending


Consumer Loyalty

Given rising prices, consumers increasingly choose to stick with the brands they know and love. Consumer brands can leverage this through loyalty programs and word-of-mouth incentives. Give your loyal customer a reason to share your email or recommend your brand, so the next time it comes up with their friends, your brand is top of mind. One way to do this is provide tips and social proof in your email marketing. It’s all about positioning. Your current customers don’t need to be “sold”; they need to have their choices reinforced. Therefore we recommend brands leverage PR coverage in their email marketing with a pat on the back and share an incentive to their existing customers. For those who are on your list and haven’t yet purchased, use a “look what others say,” message.


Values-Based Messaging

On the decline? Purpose-based messaging. Only 16% of consumers are voting with their wallets about “responsible brand” messaging. This is likely because of a general fatigue of this type of messaging. Consumer brands sound continues with existing social-impact programs but present them to consumers as part of the brand, not as a defined campaign.


Advertising Trust Decreases

While searching online for third-party verifications like reviews and media coverage is up, purchasing from banner ads is down 36% – consumers know ads aren’t trustworthy. Consumers are overwhelmed with messages and struggling to keep up with all the “buy now” signals. They’re looking for ways to cut through the noise and they trust search results and social proof more than anything else. This is also a good time to invest in quality owned content. As search continues to evolve due to AI changes, quality content will become more critical.


In conclusion…

Consumer holiday spending will be up, but consumer brands will need to fight both harder and smarter for those dollars. This isn’t the year for ambitious brands to take their foot off the gas. You can examine ways to spend smarter with your existing agency or you can look for programs that decrease PR agency costs for consumer brands.