Tag Archive for: dtc product coverage

The landscape of consumer marketing and PR is perpetually shifting, with the direct-to-consumer (DTC) models marking one of the most significant trends in recent years. This model, particularly within the consumer packaged goods (CPG) sector, has transformed how brands connect with and sell to customers. By bypassing traditional retail channels, DTC CPG companies are reshaping consumer expectations and experiences. Integral to this transformation is the role of public relations.

As a cornerstone of communication strategies, PR helps DTC CPG brands build an image, communicate with audiences directly, and craft narratives that resonate in a crowded marketplace.

Understanding the nuances of DTC CPG public relations is essential for startups and established brands alike. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide to this dynamic field, offering insights into its history, what it entails, the benefits, and current trends, including the recognition of top consumer PR agencies and the impact of accolades like the Inc. Power Partners Awards.

The History and Evolution of Consumer Public Relations

Historically, consumer public relations revolved around garnering media attention for products typically found on retail shelves in various departmental stores. Brands would strive to secure coverage in print media, television, and, more recently, digital platforms to influence consumer behavior. The aim was to boost visibility and credibility through third-party endorsements from the media.

However, over the years, as the DTC model has risen, the focus of consumer product PR has expanded heavily. Now, it’s not just about getting a product mentioned in the online or offline media; it’s more about forging a direct line of communication and trust with consumers, fostering a community around a brand, and using storytelling to differentiate products in a saturated market.

The evolution of PR in the CPG sector is closely linked to the emergence of the DTC model. As technology advanced, it provided an opportunity for brands to sell directly to consumers online, bypassing traditional retail middlemen. This DTC approach offered numerous benefits, including greater control over brand messaging, direct customer feedback, and higher profit margins.

Key Components of Consumer PR

  • Media Relations: Securing coverage in both traditional and new digital media.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with influencers to tap into their follower base.
  • Content Marketing: Creating valuable content that resonates with the target audience.
  • Social Management: Engaging and managing the overall brand image on social platforms.
  • Crisis Management: Preparing for and responding to any negative issues or press.

The Role of Public Relations for Consumer Products

The public relations model for DTC CPG brands offers a myriad of benefits, altering how these brands approach marketing and customer engagement. From the control of branding to the nimble response to market shifts, DTC CPG PR paves the way for a more intimate brand-consumer rapport.

Enhanced Brand Control

DTC operations empower brands with unprecedented control over their narrative. This autonomy in branding and messaging ensures that the public image remains undiluted. Direct sales to consumers eliminate intermediaries, granting DTC brands the authority to craft their reputation with precision, aligning every campaign and communication with the brand’s ethos and long-term strategic vision.

Customer Data Insights

The DTC approach facilitates direct communication, yielding rich customer data. This data is the lifeblood of targeted PR campaigns, offering insights into consumer behaviors. Leveraging this information means PR initiatives can be exceptionally tailored, ensuring that every message resonates deeply with the intended audience and increasing campaign efficacy and consumer engagement.

Agility and Flexibility

The agility afforded to DTC CPG companies is unparalleled. They can pivot with alacrity, adapting PR strategies in real time to address market fluctuations or consumer sentiment shifts. This responsiveness is invaluable in maintaining relevance and momentum in the fast-paced CPG landscape, ensuring that PR efforts remain aligned with current trends and customer expectations.

Authentic Customer Relationships

The cornerstone of DTC PR is forging genuine connections with customers. Engaging consumers directly not only personalizes their experience but also cements long-standing relationships for years to come. These authentic interactions are a fundamental component of successful PR, as they foster trust and loyalty, which are critical in converting one-time buyers into lifelong brand advocates.

The Role of Top Consumer PR Agencies

Top consumer PR agencies play a pivotal role in shaping the success of DTC CPG brands. These agencies specialize in understanding consumer behavior and crafting messages that connect with target audiences. They also have the expertise to navigate the digital landscape, where much of the DTC interaction takes place. Moreover, recognition through reputed platforms such as the Inc. Power Partners Awards (IPPA) can catapult a public relations agency to the forefront of the industry.

Consumer Marketing Trends and Influence on PR

As the DTC CPG sector evolves, so do the marketing trends that shape it. PR strategies must adapt to these CPG Marketing Trends to stay effective. Some current trends include the following:


In the era of data-driven marketing, personalization has become the linchpin of customer engagement. Brands that harness consumer data to tailor communications see a substantial increase in connection and conversion. Personalized PR campaigns resonate more deeply, resulting in a more meaningful dialogue between brand and consumer and fostering a sense of individual attention.


Now more than ever, consumers demand transparency and responsibility from brands. A commitment to sustainability is not just ethical but also resonates with the values of a growing eco-conscious audience. Effective PR strategies communicate this commitment, demonstrating a brand’s dedication to sustainable practices and its role in driving positive environmental change.

Technology Utilization

Innovative technology such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are transforming brand experiences. By integrating these technologies, PR campaigns offer immersive experiences. This showcases a brand’s innovation and modernity, creating memorable interactions that can elevate the consumer’s journey and deepen brand affinity.

Community Building

Building a community goes beyond transactional relationships; it cultivates a sense of belonging among consumers. When CPG brands focus on community building, they nurture brand advocates and create a loyal customer base. PR strategies that encourage community engagement contribute to a supportive ecosystem where loyalty is strengthened, and consumer insights are gleaned.

Steps to Build a Successful Consumer PR Strategy

In the fast-paced world of DTC CPG brands, an effective PR strategy is a crucial component for success. It requires careful planning and execution. Here, we outline the fundamental steps necessary to construct a PR strategy that resonates with your audience and amplifies your brand message.

Define Objectives

Setting clear objectives is the compass that guides your PR campaign. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This provides direction for all PR activities, ensuring that every effort is aligned with what the brand actually aims to accomplish, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, launching new products, or entering new markets.

Understand the Audience

Grasping the nuances of your target audience is crucial. Believe it or not, this basic understanding goes beyond demographics to psychographics – the interests, behaviors, and preferences that define them. Knowing your audience informs the tone, content, and direction of your PR messaging, ensuring that it resonates on a deeper level and genuinely connects with those you aim to reach.

Craft the Message

A compelling message is the heartbeat of your PR strategy. It should encapsulate your brand values, emphasize your ethos, highlight your unique selling propositions, and speak directly to consumer interests. This message must be consistent across all platforms yet adaptable enough to remain relevant in various contexts and formats, ensuring it engages and inspires action and drives results.

Choose the Right Channels

Selecting appropriate channels is critical to ensuring your message reaches your intended audience. This decision should be informed by where your audience is most receptive to communication. Whether it’s engaging through social media, targeted email campaigns, influencer collaborations, or traditional media outlets, choosing the right channels maximizes the impact of your PR efforts.

Measure and Adapt

The only way to gauge the success of a PR campaign is through diligent measurement. First things first, utilize analytics to track reach, engagement, and conversion. This data provides insights into what’s working and what isn’t, allowing for real-time adjustments. Adapting your strategy based on these metrics ensures continuous improvement and a greater return on your PR investment.

Launching a CPG Startup with Effective PR

Launching a CPG startup in the DTC space requires a robust PR strategy. Therefore, startups must establish a strong brand identity, create buzz around their product launches, and maintain momentum through sustained PR efforts. Key considerations for a CPG startup include:

Budget Efficiency

For a CPG startup, it’s essential to craft a PR strategy that delivers maximum impact without overstretching financial resources. This means identifying cost-effective methods, such as leveraging organic social media reach or securing earned media coverage, to build brand awareness. Efficient budgeting can lead to significant returns on investment, driving growth even with limited funds.

Media Savviness

Gaining media attention is pivotal for a CPG startup. It’s about crafting stories that resonate with journalists and their audiences. With resources often limited, startups must be cunning, using newsworthy angles and timely pitches to break through the noise. Understanding the media landscape is critical to securing coverage that can catapult a brand from obscurity to recognition.

Digital Focus

A digital-first approach is indispensable for a CPG startup looking to make waves in the DTC sector. This involves a strategic presence on social media, content marketing, and influencer partnerships to amplify reach. Focusing on digital allows for detailed targeting and analytics, enabling startups to efficiently reach and engage with the desired audiences and track the success of their campaigns.

Challenges and Opportunities in DTC CPG Public Relations

While consumer PR presents many opportunities, it’s not without its challenges. Some include:

  • Necessity of holistic storytelling that resonates on multiple levels.
  • Imperative for unparalleled customer service that bolsters public perception.
  • Critical need for efficient logistics to fulfill customer expectations.
  • Essential management of customer data to tailor and refine PR efforts.
  • Immense growth opportunities for those who skillfully navigate the PR landscape.
  • Potential for deepened brand affinity through effective communication and engagement.

The Future of DTC CPG PR

The horizon of DTC CPG PR is expected to shimmer with innovation as brands leverage cutting-edge technologies to enhance consumer engagement. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will transform brand storytelling, offering immersive experiences that could deepen emotional connections with consumers, turning casual browsers into loyal and vocal brand ambassadors.

On the other hand, as data analytics become increasingly sophisticated, DTC CPG PR strategies will likely become more personalized, predictive, and preemptive. PR campaigns will be crafted using insights gleaned from big data, enabling brands to anticipate consumer needs and trends, thereby delivering relevant content that resonates with the target audience at just the right moment.

Finally, sustainability and authenticity will become the cornerstones of future DTC CPG PR efforts. Consumers are gravitating towards brands that not only talk the talk but also walk the walk in terms of ecological and social responsibility. Transparent and genuine public relation narratives that align with a brand’s ethical actions will foster ultimate trust and loyalty in a competitive market.

To conclude, DTC CPG public relations represents a dynamic and integral facet of brand strategy in the modern marketplace. From the strategic insights provided by top consumer PR agencies to the innovations recognized by the Inc. Power Partners Awards, the field is both challenging and rich with opportunity. As CPG marketing trends continue to evolve, so too must the approaches to consumer product PR. At the end of the day, for any notable brand, particularly a CPG startup, navigating this space with a strong and adaptable PR strategy can make all the difference.

Elevate Your DTC CPG Brand with Avaans Media’s Expert PR Services

For emerging industries and hyper-growth companies looking to navigate the complexities of DTC CPG public relations, partnering with an experienced agency can be transformative. Avaans Media stands out as a top-rated, award-winning PR agency with an executive-level team of big thinkers whose eye for detail provides exceptional results. So, what’s stopping you? Contact us today.

You have a new product to launch. How can you ensure consumers find it when they’re shopping? Marketing experts say the average person sees between 4,000 and 10,000 ads in a single day; everyone of them claiming to be perfectly targeted to your ideal customer. People tune out most ads. But for DTC brands, the ad addiction is real. Why? Because it’s easy to establish direct ROI. Even when brands know the ROI isn’t great, they can’t seem to get off the treadmill because they know what to expect.  And with AI emerging, there is likely to be further disruption in the consumer industry. You’ve worked so hard to create a great brand and a great product. So, if not for advertising, how do people discover new brands today?


Give Them a Reason to Talk About Your Brand

Because we’re so inundated with signals and ads, buyers rely on friends and family for suggestions more than ever to help them filter through the choices. Every consumer brand understands the value of reviews, but referrals from friends and family are even more essential. 27% of consumers rely on trusted sources like friends for new brand discovery. Also, the older the target customer, the more likely they are to rely on advice from friends, with GenX (30%) and Boomers (35%) relying most heavily on friends and family.

But giving your advocates a gentle nudge and a reason to share your info with friends is even more important. We see this a lot with referral codes. Still, when a customer wants to advocate for you, or want to tell a friend about you, they aren’t likely going to go digging around for a creepy referral link that makes the receiver think their friend is only recommending a brand so they can save $10. It’s icky.

Instead, think about your content and social proof. For example, write tangential content that’s interesting and useful to your customer, not just about your brand. For example, if you’re a food brand, then write content about your favorite cooking tools in your test kitchen.

Also, when you secure consumer press, celebrate it with your customers. This IS a good time to offer a promo code because it’s one more reason to say to a friend, “hey, this is the skincare lotion you asked me about; it’s on sale,” AND it comes right next to the social proof that backs up your customer’s choice to share your product.


Search Engine Love

31% of consumers find new products on search engines. Consumers use search engines during two buying phases: the research phase and the buying phase. You want to be present for both, because that’s how people discover new brands

First, assuming your website is well constructed, and your product pages are well designed, your next step is to embrace the reality of the internet: content marketing. With the latest advances in AI-generated content, creating content for your website has never been easier. Just be sure to review your content and ensure the quality is there because content is often a consumer’s first exposure to your brand. There are countless ways you can use content marketing. Look at the way Sarah Blakely was always the #1 brand advocate for Spanx.

Second, if you sell DTC, use Google’s product review advice to help you build content that matters to customers. Our annual guide has many tips and hints about building consumer content that will help you stand out in search engine results.

But it’s not just owned content that customers love. When potential customers search for products, they’re in the buying phase, and that’s when they’re looking for reviews that jump out at them from search results: reviews by trusted media outlets. This is really important because publishers have massive amounts of content and SEO, so their product reviews are highly visible. And it doesn’t seem to matter if the press outlet uses affiliate links, so long as it’s disclosed. We’ve had clients sell out warehouses full of product due to affiliate links. Notably, affiliate links from friends might seem creepy, but product review affiliate links from media outlets are perfectly acceptable. Why might that be? When you learn about how people view lures and rewards, that’s another reason you must allow your marketing and PR to work together when considering your DTC consumer.

Influencers Gonna Influence

We can’t really talk about DTC PR without talking about social media influencers. It’s not just younger generations turning to TikTok for product discovery. And social networks catch buyer in all three phases – the awareness phase, the buying phase, when they’re researching a product, and the curiosity phase. Ensure your influencer campaigns work for both those phases, and be conscious of how impulsive your customers are when strategizing campaigns with content creators, because buyers are increasingly impulsive on platforms like TikTok.; 65% of GenZ and Millenials make impulse buying decisions at least once per month, compared to 38% of GenX and Boomers.


Using these modern PR tips to capitalize on how people discover new brands and tactics will make your investment pay for itself much faster.

There are lots of reasons to invest in CPG PR, but no matter the reason, PR is an investment, and you want your efforts to pay off, which is why you’re hiring a top-rated PR agency in the first place, right? Whether you’re trying to educate your customers about a distinctive ingredient, improve customer loyalty, invest in brand value or want a more straightforward approach to product inclusions in holiday gift guides, PR is not a set-and-forget it strategy, you can radically improve your outcomes with these three tips.

Maximize Your DTC or CPG PR with the 3 Tips for CPG Media Coverage


Multimedia for the Win

49% of journalists want pictures with the pitch. Owned media is an important tool for earned media. Having a variety of images of your CPG product images, both lifestyle, and product shots are helpful to busy journalists who don’t have time for multiple back and forth emails. Sometimes having the ideal lifestyle shot makes all the difference for busy editors who need a header shot for the story. In fact, journalists are 6X more likely to open pitches with multimedia, that’s a huge improvement when you consider that over half of journalists receive 50-100 pitches, PER DAY.

Images are the most common multimedia inclusions, but you can stand out with infographics, and social media posts too.

And data. Data is key. 39% of journalists want relevant data in the pitch. The funds for investigative polling are all but gone, if you conduct a consumer or industry poll and have fresh data, that’s news. And you can use that data in multiple ways, both for your own inside strategic planning and to secure media coverage.

Affiliate Links…For Journalists?

It’s not exactly news that media outlets are reshaping their revenue sources. Modern PR agencies understand the world is moving faster than ever and everyone in the media space is pressed for time and revenue.

For CPG or DTC products, having an affiliate program for media outlets increases the chances your product will get coverage in round-ups. Almost all media outlets are using affiliate links on their coverage, everyone from the Today Show to your local morning show. Being able to include an affiliate link in the coverage means your product may receive multiple pieces of coverage from one pitch.


Help Journalists Write Google-Friendly Reviews

When a journalist writes a review that Google loves, it’s good for you both. So why not do everything in your power to work with them? Google has very specific parameters around a quality product review, give journalists what they need and they’ll remember you next time.

Be Story Ready

When every company says it’s unique or revolutionary, it’s not eye-catching anymore. In fact, 100% of journalists roll their eyes when they see those words, because about .05% of the time, it’s true.

If you’re looking to leverage PR for things like features or newsjacking, be ready to help shape, inform and create the stories that will be attractive to the media. Even if you really DON’T have “any competitors,” you STILL need a story to get deeper more important coverage.

One PR professional said it best in an anonymous interview with Digiday: “It’s not enough to just be a disruptive DTC brand anymore. Brands need to figure out who they are, why they’re doing something so innovative and then work with us to tell that story.”

Your PR company needs to know that when they schedule a meeting with a journalist, you will respond promptly. 1 in 4 journalists will block a publicist who fails to respond within the same day or a given deadline. If you’re not able to be available for journalists, say that upfront, to save face with journalists.


In Conclusion:

Working with journalists is a lot like working with influencers. It’s important to treat the media with professionalism and humility and when you do so, tips for CPG media coverage will all converge into more media coverage of better quality.


All statistics are from Cision State of Media Report 2022, unless otherwise noted. 

We live in a world where ideas, products, and signals are happening so fast that it’s hard for the consumer to process everything. Yet, direct-to-consumer brands can continue to grow with a strategic eye on awareness and trust.  If we weren’t bombarded with over 5,000 advertisements per day, we could be more subtle.

The fact is, worldwide, the average person spends 473 minutes per day engaging with media. We also live in a post-ChatGPT world, and one still ruled by search engines and algorithms. Plus, newsrooms are shrinking (in 2021, they had fallen by 25% since 2008) as competition for ad dollars becomes less and less centralized. For this reason, DTC PR strategies need to keep up with the changing media environment and rethink earned media.

There are two ways to approach CPG PR; one is a holistic approach of communications, digital visibility, thought leadership, and product PR where metrics match key business objectives; the other is a laser-focused approach, which could be consumer product PR or thought leadership, depending on the brand strategy with more PR-focused KPIs. In an ideal world, all brands embrace a holistic point of view with a complete bespoke PR program. But, by choosing a strategic consumer PR lever, challenger consumer brands can be precise and thoughtful about their earned media. This is about the laser-focused approach, and consumer brand PR firms must expand their definition of PR to stay useful to DTC, CPG, and consumer product brands.

The Argument for Laser-Focused Media Relations

It’s a harsh world for direct-to-consumer brands to continue growing. For challenger consumer product, DTC and CPG brands – those past startup mode but not a household name – there are an overwhelming number of media options. From Instagram influencers to a dizzying array of advertising choices, the challenger brand has more choices than money. Therefore, it needs to act strategically to do two things at once to scale: build awareness and trust.

That’s one reason PR is the signature choice for consumer product PR: Trust and Awareness.

Trust is the longest game but the most crucial communication goal of any brand. Yet, trust takes a long time to build. Unlike Instagram Influencers (whose influence is waning) and paid advertisements, and the 68% of consumers who think cookie-based advertising is creepy (Marigold 2023), earned media addresses the #1 PR challenge for upstart brands: trusted reach. Whether your target audience is GenZ or a target broader, consumers must trust your brand before you edge in on the market share of competitors or create a new product category altogether, trusted reach is where the smart money goes.

So how do you build trust and awareness when your branding budget is limited? The fact is that branding is expensive, and brands with hyper-growth ambitions need a more direct form of branding.  Indeed, product reviews play a vital role in both trust and awareness, and there’s one way to super charge product trust: product reviews in trusted media outlets. Media coverage has several advantages over other brand awareness options, including stickiness. Unlike a fleeting social media post or a questionably targeted ad, product coverage, especially reviews on online media sites, is extremely sticky, lasting in search results for years.

Owning Content and Messaging with Thought Leadership

Executive visibility has never been so vital. A well-developed owned content program isn’t a blog program; it’s a program that embraces all the thought leadership opportunities available to hypergrowth brands today. From blog posts and contributions to emerging topics to the multitude of contributor opportunities to executives willing to share insights with the broader public, thought leadership is ripe with opportunities for challenger brands. This is especially true for younger audiences who distrust established and entrenched brands more than they do startup consumer brands.

Even if your audience isn’t reading those contribution sites, they add a credible and authoritative SEO link to the website and present executives as willing and open to engaging with their customers. According to the Edelman Trust Report, businesses were more trusted than the government and NGOs. But that trust is tenuous because CEO trust isn’t on solid ground, yet business leaders are seen as unifiers next to NGO leaders and teachers; that’s some pretty good company business leaders are keeping. Plus, the best way to earn trust is to be more visible.  Harvard Business Review says one of the most important ways for consumer brands to succeed includes deepening customer relationship, not just making comparisons with competitors.

Now is truly the time to embrace thought leadership because of the trusted status of businesses. From 2022 to 2023, businesses earned a 20-point bump in ethics on the Edelman Trust Report, so this is an area of opportunity for consumer brands – especially if they embrace purpose-driven PR. But even if a true purpose-driven message isn’t right for a consumer brand, there are likely aspects of ethics to which the leaders of the consumer brands can speak. And that’s important because 63% of consumers buy or advocate for brands based on their beliefs and values.


Embrace Digital PR Completely with Product Reviews

Digitally savvy PR keeps their eye on the future instead of “of the moment.” Let’s be clear: for trust and authority, there are no short cuts Google sees those work around tactics and actively adjusts against them. This is not a recommendation to game the system; it’s a recommendation to embrace the system. Getting a bunch of low-grade links is actually more damaging than helpful. And the idea of an influencer is changing. A few years ago, brands rushed to implement Instagram influencer campaigns, 90% of which fell flat because they weren’t well executed influencer campaigns. And as the influencer’s trust continues to wane, brands need to understand where their target markets are and who they trust. GenZ audiences don’t trust social media but look to social media to find the news. And 49% of GenZ trust cable news and network news, while 52% trust online only news sites. These online-only news sites are a boon to consumer brand PR because they constantly work to churn out content; they always need new ideas and angles. Plus, product reviews drive eyeballs and, as an added benefit, can also be sources of revenue through affiliate programs. Creating digitally savvy content that supports hero reviews alongside gift guide inclusions is an excellent way to focus consumer product PR budgets.

How Digital PR and Earned Media Work Together

Working alongside journalists to support their objectives is and always will be the objective of media relations. Today’s savvy media relations teams understand how to help digitally savvy online news outlets so that their content surfaces on Google (and AI-driven search like Chat GPT). It goes beyond keywords into the deep algorithm that is Google’s search engine. Direct-to-consumer brands can continue to grow by leveraging Google’s search and trust algorithm for themselves. And that search engine is leaning heavily into authority and trust. There are millions of ways to signal that your brand is trustworthy, but one of the most attainable is aligning with Google’s most trusted sources, and that’s where consumer product PR can make the biggest impact.

Upstart consumer brands can become hypergrowth consumer brands by investing in very defined strategic PR initiatives. Connect with us today to learn more about our laser-focused PR programs for ambitious brands.

What’s the difference between PR vs publicity? At first glance, they look the same. Publicity is a specific tactic to attract media coverage, it might be good or bad coverage. Public relations is a holistic brand-building, loyalty building and trust-building strategy that includes positive media coverage.

Should you choose publicity or PR?

Most brands do not subscribe to the “all media coverage is good media coverage” philosophy and want ONLY positive media coverage, which is why most brands choose PR. PR refers to the deliberate efforts that organizations make to build and maintain positive relationships with the public. Public relations will create a path toward media coverage including key messaging, brand positioning, making the news, jumping in on breaking news, and strategizing positive company announcements. A PR strategy may also include a crisis communication plan which is important for any consumer brand, but especially DTC or CPG brands. PR is an investment in your brand’s reputation. If your business goal is to be the #1 brand against your competitors or to secure investment that launches you into hypergrowth, then you’ll definitely want to choose PR.

Publicity is a narrowly focused goal, any form of media coverage or exposure for an organization or individual. And it might be OK for a brand that just wants to get into gift guides, for example. That would be an example of publicity without the added benefit of public relations. If your key messages are solid, and you don’t need any additional help building the brand’s trust or loyalty, or your long-term reputation isn’t important, then publicity may be an option for you.

Long Term or Short Term Media Coverage?

Publicity is great for a blast of short-term coverage. Something consistent with a calendar event, or a word-of-mouth campaign with a celebrity for a product launch. Publicity is also great if your brand is willing to do “anything” for media coverage. Stunts in Times Square or the Santa Monica pier often get coverage simply because of the location and the unexpected commotion. That’s publicity. Another example of publicity is an April Fools stunt.

If you’re looking for consistent press coverage regardless of whether you have a product launch or an activation, then you definitely want PR. PR will enable your brand to build trust with your audience, while also building loyalty with your existing customers.

Rinse & Repeat or Bespoke?

Publicity tactics are very similar to one another. Your publicity in gift guides, for example, will also share coverage with other products and possibly even competitors. Think of a publicity campaign as a short-term boost to secure coverage, regardless of quality. If you simply need additional exposure for a specific period of time in order to get noticed by potential customers or clients, then publicity may be a cost-effective solution.

In contrast, public relations will develop custom strategies to build and manage your reputation, reach key audiences and achieve your business objectives through strategic messaging and tailored PR campaigns. With the right PR firm on your side, you can effectively reach your target audiences, build positive relationships with key stakeholders, and stand out from the crowd in today’s competitive marketplace.


Many people think public relations (PR) and publicity are synonymous, but there is actually a clear distinction between the two terms. If you’re interested in discussing the difference with Avaans, please contact us, we will help you decide based on your business goals and budget, which type of media coverage is best for you.