Consumer Tech PR

types of cyber insurance for DTC brands

3 Types of Cyber Insurance You Need to Know About

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If you're a DTC company or work in a highly visable emerging industry, you've no doubt seen headlines about cyber breaches like malware and hacks that demand millions of bitcoin. In fact, 46% of all cyber breaches impact businesses with fewer…
uncertain consumer mindsets fall 2022

Consumer Mindsets According to Google for Fall 2022

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We're just about to round the corner to a key consumer buying season: the fall. And about the only thing that's certain is consumer uncertainty; but consumers aren't giving up on conscious consumption. Nothing shows that more than the latest…
product PR for holidays

The Importance of Product PR During the Holidays

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As the holiday season approaches, product PR becomes more important than ever. Competition from major brands, standing out from the crowd, and capturing people in a buying mood are all great reasons to do product PR during the holidays.  Now…
tech consumer

The Most Notable Consumer Tech PR Trends for 2022

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The consumer tech PR trends to watch for 2022 are exciting and combine other macro trends impacting emerging brands' PR this year. This year, for the first time in two years, consumer tech companies gathered to show off their latest innovations…
steps to a successful cpg product launch

10 Steps to a Successful Product Launch

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In a competitive market, launching a new product is crucial for brands to stay relevant and maintain their current customers. Before you launch your next CPG (consumer packaged goods) product, consider the following PR strategies: 8 Months…