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The digital era has witnessed the burgeoning of technology companies that operate within the B2B realm. Their aim? To provide solutions that make business processes more efficient, streamlined, and profitable. In such a competitive ecosystem, companies in emerging industries need to differentiate themselves, so this is where B2B tech PR comes into play, proving not just a supplementary strategy but an essential one.

Understanding the Current Landscape

The tech sector today is brimming with potential. A lot is happening, from VC-backed startups aiming to disrupt industries to established firms looking to scale through IPO PR. Top tech PR firms are in constant demand to aid these companies in carving out their niche. PR for B2B companies offers more than mere exposure in this dynamic milieu – it’s about cementing a lasting legacy. Let’s delve deeper into why PR is indispensable in the B2B tech sector.

Reason #1: Establishing Thought Leadership and Industry Authority

In the nuanced realm of B2B tech, carving out a prominent space is vital. To transcend mere technicality and be seen as industry pioneers, businesses must craft relatable narratives, engage varied stakeholders, and uphold a consistent brand message amidst constant change.

Nurturing Authentic Narratives

B2B tech entities often offer complex, intricate, and innovative solutions. Translating such intricacies into relatable narratives is a challenge that the best B2B tech PR adeptly addresses. By creating storylines that resonate with the audience, businesses can bridge the gap between technical jargon and meaningful conversation, thus positioning themselves as relatable industry pioneers.

Engaging Stakeholders

B2B tech firms deal with various stakeholders, from clients to investors. Top tech PR firms understand these distinct audiences, crafting messages that resonate with each. Effective PR ensures each message hits the mark, whether it’s elucidating the potential of new software to a prospective client or elucidating the profitability of an innovative solution to a potential investor.

Consistent Brand Messaging

Maintaining a consistent brand image can be taxing in an industry where changes are rapid. Regular engagements, articles, and features ensure that a company’s core values, visions, and missions are always at the forefront. This strategic approach maintains relevance and solidifies their position as stalwart contributors amid the rapid transformations of the tech landscape.

Reason #2: Building Trust and Credibility

The dynamic tech sector demands more than innovation; it seeks trustworthiness. Navigating pitfalls, gaining third-party endorsements, and cultivating a transparent dialogue are pivotal. Effective PR doesn’t just showcase achievements; it elevates a brand’s reputation in an ever-shifting landscape.

Reputation Management

A proactive PR strategy is essential in the tech world, where one misstep can lead to significant fallout. From addressing potential controversies to highlighting positive impacts, PR for B2B companies ensures that the brand’s reputation remains untarnished. This approach safeguards the brand’s reputation, preserving its esteemed standing amid the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Validating Expertise Through Third-party Endorsements

Inclusion in esteemed tech-based journals, interviews on respected OTT platforms, or endorsements by industry-specific influencers can significantly elevate a company’s overall market credibility. These third-party validations, orchestrated by PR, serve as powerful testimonials to the company’s expertise and reputation, bolstering its standing within the tech sector and among its peers.

Creating a Transparent Dialogue

Transparency builds trust. B2B tech PR plays a pivotal role in cultivating this trust by enabling open forums, interactive Q&A sessions, or engaging webinars where companies can address queries, concerns, and feedback. This commitment to transparent communication fosters an environment of trust where stakeholders feel heard, informed, and confident in their business relationships.

Reason #3: Driving Business Results and Expanding Opportunities

Success in B2B tech isn’t solely about the product; it’s about opportunity recognition. Strategic PR efforts spotlight firms for investments, stimulate partnerships, and boost lead generation. Beyond mere visibility, astute PR strategies directly influence growth, profitability, and industry standing.

Positioning for Investment

Especially crucial for VC-backed startups, PR activities can catch the eye of potential investors. Likewise, a well-executed IPO PR strategy proves instrumental in securing the right focus and valuation when companies embark on their public offerings. These strategic PR efforts can be the key differentiators that propel startups into attracting financial backing during pivotal growth phases.

Facilitating Partnerships

Enterprise B2B tech thrives on collaborations, integrations, and partnerships. The best tech PR  strategically ensures that your brand is top of mind when businesses seek innovative collaborations. Through effective PR efforts, your company is not just a participant but a recognized leader in forging valuable alliances that drive innovation and growth in the dynamic landscape of B2B technology.

Lead Generation and Conversion

Beyond branding, PR can have tangible effects on the bottom line. Enhancing visibility and credibility can drive inbound inquiries, increase web traffic, and increase conversion rates. Effective communication and reputation management directly contribute to a company’s success, translating into results beyond surface-level brand recognition.

What to Expect from Tech PR

In today’s tech-driven world, PR has evolved beyond its traditional role. It’s a complementary element and a strategic imperative for B2B tech-sector businesses. Above, we discussed PR’s pivotal roles: establishing thought leadership, building trust, and driving tangible business outcomes. Now, let’s dive deeper into what you can genuinely anticipate from tech PR – a journey that extends far beyond conventional brand visibility.

At its core, tech PR is about more than just surface-level branding and marketing exercises. It’s a multifaceted strategy that encompasses aligning your brand with exemplary narratives, markets, and audiences. PR professionals skillfully craft compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience when executed effectively. These stories transcend your product or service; they focus on the impactful solutions you create, the problems you solve, and the visionary path you tread.

Tech PR is a precision tool that ensures your message reaches the audiences that matter most. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s about connecting with those who share your interests, needs, and goals. Through continuous market intelligence, PR professionals monitor tech trends, competition, and emerging opportunities. This insight is the foundation for your strategic positioning, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve and maintain relevance in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

But Tech PR doesn’t stop at strategic positioning. It’s about fostering meaningful engagements that go beyond the surface level. In the tech industry, innovation thrives on collaboration, and PR is the bridge builder that facilitates these connections. It secures thought leadership platforms, placing you in the spotlight at industry conferences, expert panel discussions, and other relevant forums. These engagements position you as an authority, opening doors to new collaborations and partnerships.

Furthermore, PR involves the creation of valuable content that educates your target audience and set you as a trusted source of information that goes beyond press releases; it encompasses articles, blog posts, whitepapers, videos, and more. Through thoughtfully crafted content, you showcase your expertise and provide value to your audience who choose to trust you.

On the other hand, in the dynamic tech landscape, crises can arise unexpectedly. Tech PR equips you with the skills and strategies to manage these crises effectively. Preparedness is critical, and PR ensures your reputation remains intact even in challenging times. It’s about addressing issues as they arise and proactively managing your brand’s image to mitigate potential crises.

Now, let’s talk about measurable outcomes because results matter in the fast-paced world of B2B tech. Tech PR isn’t just a vanity metric; it’s a driver of tangible benefits. One of the most immediate impacts is increased visibility. Your brand becomes a recognized name among clients, partners, and investors. However, it’s not just about being seen; it’s about being seen by the right people.

PR generates interest and curiosity, leading to a surge in inbound inquiries. Prospective clients and partners actively seek you out, filling your pipeline with valuable leads. These inbound inquiries are often more engaged because they’ve already been exposed to your brand’s narrative and credibility.

Not only that, your website becomes a hub of activity as your brand gains recognition. Increased website traffic isn’t merely a vanity metric; it’s a reflection of heightened interest and engagement. Your website visitors are more likely to explore your offerings, which can translate into higher conversion rates. Ultimately, Tech PR contributes to driving your bottom line by enhancing visibility, credibility, and engagement, all of which can lead to more significant revenue and business growth.

The Tangible Advantages of B2B Tech PR

While we’ve delved deep into the intricacies and overarching benefits of PR in the B2B tech sector, it’s essential to consolidate and emphasize the core reasons that genuinely make PR indispensable:

Tailored Messaging for Complex Solutions: In the B2B tech realm, solutions are often nuanced and highly specialized. B2B tech PR ensures that the communication around these solutions is tailored, coherent, and, most importantly, highly effective. Businesses can foster a more profound connection with their target audience by making these solutions relatable and understandable.

Positioning Amidst Competition: The tech landscape is crowded, and groundbreaking innovations enter the market daily. PR ensures that a B2B tech company doesn’t become another fleeting name in this vast, competitive landscape. Instead, it strategically carves out a distinctive identity, ensuring the brand stands tall, is recognized, and remains relevant among competitors.

Leveraging Industry Insights: The dynamic nature of the tech industry means that trends shift, new technologies emerge, and market needs evolve. A B2B Tech PR strategy keeps businesses updated with these shifts, ensuring their position always aligns with the market pulse. This approach ensures that companies are reactive and predictive, staying one step ahead.

To truly harness the power of PR, B2B tech companies need to view it not as an afterthought but as a foundational strategy. It’s not just about media placements or press releases; it’s about building a robust brand narrative, connecting with the right stakeholders, and driving business growth. PR ensures that the best stories get told in a world where every tech solution claims to be the best.

B2B Tech PR is not a monolithic strategy; it’s a dynamic tool that adapts, evolves, and scales with the company it represents. Whether you’re a budding startup or an established market leader, PR ensures your narrative remains compelling, credible, and consistent. Bringing onboard a seasoned PR partner can make this journey even more impactful. From understanding the intricacies of the tech sector to crafting bespoke PR strategies, the right partnership can genuinely elevate your brand.

Finally, as the tech landscape continues to evolve, the role of PR will only grow in significance. Those who recognize its value early on will undoubtedly stay ahead of the curve, leading dialogues, setting trends, and carving out legacies. The future of technology is intrinsically linked with the future of PR. And for those who are ambitious, the journey has only just begun.

Embrace B2B Tech PR Today with Tara Coomans @ Avaans Media

Avaans Media is more than just another name in the list of PR agencies. With a proven track record, innovative approaches, and a commitment to bespoke strategies, this is where narratives are shaped, futures are crafted, and legacies are built. If the future is what you’re eager to shape, then let public relations expert, Tara Coomans, award-winning communication and PR expert at Avaans Media, guide you through it.

In an age where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping even emerging industries, PR agencies with AI experience are becoming pivotal in steering businesses toward success. But what exactly does this entail, and why is it crucial for companies, especially in emerging industries, to collaborate with experienced AI PR agencies? This comprehensive guide delves into the complex connection between public relations (PR) and AI, tracing its history and outlining what businesses can expect from PR experts with AI experience.

What is PR in AI?

Public Relations (PR) in Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a transformative approach where AI-driven technologies enhance traditional PR strategies. This integration reshapes how PR agencies with AI experience operate, offering unprecedented benefits and capabilities.

At its core, AI in PR involves machine learning, leveraging data analytics and other advanced technologies to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of PR campaigns. Experienced AI PR agencies are adept at utilizing these tools to analyze extensive amounts of data, which helps in a more accurate understanding of public sentiment, media trends, and consumer behaviors.

One of the key aspects of AI in PR is its ability to personalize communication at scale. Unlike traditional methods, which might rely on a one-size-fits-all approach, AI can dissect large data sets to identify nuanced audience segments. PR agencies with AI experience can create highly targeted content that resonates with each segment, improving overall engagement and positive reception.

Moreover, AI tools in PR are instrumental in predictive analysis. By analyzing current trends and historical data, AI can forecast potential future scenarios, enabling experienced AI PR agencies to prepare for various outcomes, which is beneficial for crisis management, as it allows the development of proactive strategies to mitigate negative publicity or to leverage emerging opportunities.

On the other hand, AI also revolutionizes content creation and distribution in PR. Automated content generation tools powered by AI can create press releases (PRs), social media posts, and other PR materials quickly and efficiently. These tools can adapt the content’s tone and style to suit different platforms and audiences, maintaining consistency and relevance across various media channels.

In addition, AI facilitates enhanced media monitoring and analytics. PR agencies with AI experience can track media coverage and social media conversations in real-time, providing important insights into the success of PR campaigns. This real-time monitoring allows for strategy adjustments, ensuring PR efforts align with the current media landscape and public sentiment.

The role of AI in PR extends to improving internal workflows and efficiency. AI-driven automation can handle routine tasks, such as media list updates and coverage reports, freeing up time for PR professionals to pivot on other aspects. This is crucial, especially for emerging industries’ PR experience, where staying ahead of the curve and rapidly adapting to new trends is vital for success.

The Fascinating History of PR in AI

The history of PR in AI is a fascinating journey that charts the evolution of public relations through the integration of advanced technologies. This history is pivotal for understanding how PR agencies with AI experience have come to shape modern communication strategies for emerging industries.

The Initial Exploration (Late 1990s – Early 2000s)

The late 1990s and early 2000s marked the infancy of AI in PR. During this foundational era, the focus was primarily on digital communication and the internet, revolutionizing how information was shared and consumed. Early AI applications in PR were rudimentary, focusing on data collection and fundamental analysis. It was a period of exploration where experienced AI PR agencies began experimenting with how artificial intelligence could be applied to optimize media monitoring and audience analysis.

The Rise of Social Media and Big Data (Mid-2000s – Early 2010s)

The explosion of social media and the onset of big data defined this era. It provided a fertile ground for AI development in PR, as PR agencies with AI experience harnessed social media analytics to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior and preferences. The era was crucial in understanding the power of data in shaping public narratives and how AI could be utilized to manage, interpret, and analyze this crucial data effectively for strategic communication.

Advanced AI Integration (Early 2010s – Late 2010s)

The early to late 2010s witnessed significant advancements in AI technology, including machine learning and natural language processing. Experienced AI PR agencies began to integrate these technologies more deeply into their strategies. This era saw the advent of AI-driven content creation, sentiment analysis, and predictive analytics. PR strategies became more sophisticated, with AI providing a deeper understanding of engaging target audiences and tailoring messages.

AI in Crisis Management and Predictive Modeling (Late 2010s – Early 2020s)

During this period, AI’s role in crisis management became more prominent. PR Agencies started using AI for predictive modeling, identifying potential issues before they escalated into full-blown crises. This era underscored the importance of proactive rather than reactive PR strategies, particularly for emerging industries’ PR experiences where market dynamics can change rapidly.

The Current State: AI and Personalization (Early 2020s – Present)

The current state of AI in PR is defined by hyper-personalization and real-time analytics. PR agencies with AI experience can now deliver highly personalized content to specific audience segments. On the other hand, AI tools enable real-time monitoring and adjustments of PR campaigns, ensuring that they remain relevant and practical amidst the ever-changing media landscape.

Looking Ahead: The Future of AI in PR

As we look into the future, it’s evident that AI will continue to play a notable role in shaping PR strategies. The focus is likely to shift towards more advanced applications of AI, including the use of AI in predicting global trends and its integration into virtual and augmented reality experiences.

What to Expect from PR Agencies with AI Experience

Here are key insights into what businesses can expect from PR agencies with AI experience:

Enhanced Data Analysis

PR agencies with AI experience leverage advanced data analysis tools to dissect vast information, which enables them to understand audience behaviors and preferences in unprecedented depth. PR experience means campaigns are built on solid, data-driven insights for clients, particularly those in emerging industries, ensuring more effective targeting and message customization.

Predictive Trend Forecasting

Using AI, these agencies can predict emerging market trends and public reactions. This foresight is invaluable for planning proactive PR strategies. Experienced AI PR agencies can help businesses stay ahead of the competition, particularly in fast-paced sectors. This predictive power turns PR from a reactive to a proactive tool, aligning communications with various future market movements.

Personalized Content Creation

AI tools in PR agencies with AI experience enable the creation of highly personalized and relevant content for potential clients. This innovative technology tailors messages to resonate with specific audience segments, enhancing engagement rates. For businesses, especially those in emerging industries, PR experience means delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time.

Real-Time Campaign Optimization

Real-time campaign optimization is a crucial offering of AI technologies. AI algorithms analyze ongoing campaign data, allowing for immediate adjustments and fine-tuning. This agility ensures that experienced AI PR agencies keep campaigns performing at their peak, offering a crucial advantage in dynamic markets where consumer sentiments and trends can shift rapidly and unpredictably.

Advanced Sentiment Analysis

AI-driven sentiment analysis provides a nuanced understanding of public perception. PR agencies with AI experience use this to gauge the emotional tone behind consumer interactions and media coverage, which is crucial for crafting messages that resonate emotionally, especially for businesses seeking emerging industries’ PR experience and needing to connect deeply with their audience.

Efficient Media Monitoring

Efficient media monitoring through AI helps in tracking brand mentions across various channels. This thorough monitoring ensures that experienced agencies inform clients of all relevant conversations. This approach is particularly beneficial for companies in emerging industries, where understanding every narrative thread is vital to maintaining a positive brand image.

Crisis Management and Mitigation

In crisis management, artificial intelligence’s predictive analytics enable PR agencies with AI experience to foresee potential issues and act preemptively. This proactive approach is vital for reputation management, especially for clients in rapidly evolving sectors. Anticipating and mitigating crises before they escalate can be a game-changer for maintaining a brand’s integrity.

Targeted Influencer Engagement

AI assists in identifying and engaging with the most relevant influencers for a brand’s message. This targeted approach by experienced AI PR agencies ensures that influencer collaborations are more strategic and effective for the brand. This is particularly important for businesses with emerging industries with PR experience looking to make a significant impact with social campaigns.

Automated Reporting and Analytics

Automated reporting and analytics provide clients with clear, actionable insights into PR campaigns. PR agencies with AI experience utilize AI for performance tracking, offering clients a transparent view of the campaign’s effectiveness. This is especially beneficial for businesses in emerging industries, where understanding and quantifying ROI is critically essential for sustained growth.

Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement

AI technology enables more effective stakeholder engagement strategies. Experienced AI PR agencies can create customized communication plans by analyzing stakeholder behaviors and preferences. This plan is particularly beneficial for emerging industries’ PR experience, where building solid and lasting relationships with stakeholders is essential for long-term success and market positioning.

In conclusion, PR agencies with AI experience are actively transforming the evolving public relations landscape. From enhanced data analysis to sophisticated crisis management, these innovative agencies provide tailored solutions that deeply resonate with today’s dynamic market. For businesses, especially in emerging industries, leveraging AI in PR offers a significant competitive edge, ensuring the brand message reaches and engages with the desired audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What advantages do PR agencies with AI experience offer over traditional agencies?

PR agencies with AI experience offer a data-driven approach, providing insights into consumer behavior and media trends. They utilize AI for content creation and real-time campaign adjustments, ensuring a more effective and responsive PR strategy. This is especially crucial for businesses in dynamic markets, where understanding and adapting to changing consumer sentiments is vital.

How does AI in PR improve content creation and distribution?

AI enhances content creation by generating tailored messages for different audience segments, ensuring higher engagement. Regarding distribution, AI tools identify the best channels and times for content dissemination, maximizing reach and impact. This content creation and distribution precision is vital for brands seeking to set up a strong presence in their respective markets.

Can AI in PR agencies predict and manage potential crises?

Yes, absolutely. Even one of the significant benefits of AI in PR is predictive crisis management. AI algorithms can examine market trends and predict potential issues, allowing agencies to proactively develop strategies to mitigate negative impacts. This foresight is invaluable for maintaining a brand’s reputation, especially in sectors where public perception can swiftly change.

Are AI-driven PR strategies suitable for all types of businesses?

AI-driven PR strategies are highly adaptable and can be tailored to suit several business types and sizes. Whether it’s a startup in an emerging industry or an established corporation, AI can provide solutions to meet PR goals. This versatility makes AI an invaluable tool across different sectors.

How do PR agencies with AI experience handle media relations?

These agencies use AI for advanced media monitoring and analytics, enabling them to identify the most influential media outlets. This targeted approach ensures that all your messages reach the right audience through the most appropriate channels, an essential aspect of any successful PR campaign.

Elevate Your PR Strategy with Avaans Media

Are you looking to navigate the complexities of modern PR with AI-driven expertise? Choose Avaans Media, a top-rated PR agency known for delivering exceptional results in emerging industries and hyper-growth companies. Our executive-level team and cutting-edge AI strategies enable us to elevate your brand. Connect with us today to future-proof your PR efforts.

With 2023 in the rearview mirror, the collective attention of B2B tech companies turns to 2024. While the Fed is looking to drop rates in 2024, and that may help out startups looking for venture capital, there are still many strategies that companies need to consider to thrive in 2024. As businesses embrace what may well be the first “normal” year of business since the pandemic, companies are reckoning with a rapidly changing regulatory, trade, and infrastructure atmosphere. But hyper-growth CEOs know the key to staying the course during high growth periods is controlling what you can. One of the most valuable assets a B2B tech company can control is reputation. From our perspective, there are several growth strategies for B2B tech that improve reputation.

Emerging Technologies: a Reputational Growth Opportunity

Emerging technologies, harnessed appropriately, can improve customer acquisition, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The world is embracing a dizzying array of technologies right now, including AI. And while AI promises next-generation productivity, the world is also collectively suspicious; this is often the case for emerging industries, but Ai faces unique PR challenges. Embracing emerging technologies presents many growth and reputation advantages as well. Of course, simply using new technologies like AI isn’t a PR story; what could be a PR story is industry leadership around the use of AI, defining parameters that are brand-consistent as they apply to AI. Taking the lead on trust-based initiatives is a reputational win.

Transparency is another reputation-building asset that companies can use technology to improve. Imagine if all your suppliers used blockchain to authenticate where the products you buy originate from. You could then help your clients ensure their own purpose-driven supply chain was sound and create a solution that has historically been a huge challenge for businesses. Some executives will shy away from this, knowing that their supply chain isn’t completely “clean.” But there, too, is an opportunity to increase transparency and create a conversation. Believe it or not, companies that proactively discuss their imperfections are more credible than those that only showcase their strengths.

Cyber Threats: A Reputational Threat

It seems hardly a day goes by without hearing about some data breach or another. Technologies for securing data are improving every day, but they aren’t perfect yet.

Companies examining their own cyber security internally may wonder what they would do if there was a data breach within their own technologies. Today, most cyber insurance companies will require you to have a business plan in place, but that isn’t enough because saving a business isn’t important. If its reputation is so damaged, no one will do business with it again. The best time to plan for a crisis is when there isn’t one. While cyber insurance programs sometimes include reputation-building services like PR in them, the limits are very low on all but the most expensive policies.

IPO Preparedness

The IPOs of 2024 will be from established and “safe” companies. However, for many businesses, 2024 may be the tip of the spear towards IPO. Preparing for an IPO is a cross-functional process, but one of the most important things a company can do, at least 24 months before an IPO is shore up its reputation and awareness. Yes, this is a financial commitment, but brand capital is a considerable contribution to most private company’s value. In a constantly shifting stock market, smart investors want resilient brands and brand equity is resilient. Investors want to know that the brand is trusted, but they also want to know that brand strength can be the foundation for exponential growth. No company grows exponentially without brand confidence.

Growth strategies for B2B tech pre-IPO include media coverage; if the company has never had much media coverage, there is much work to be done. The CEO must be heavily engaged in the PR process, and that is very often a shocking shift for founder CEOs, especially since it can be time-consuming. Not only that but making the news isn’t as easy as starting a business, believe it or not. Less than 1% of businesses ever receive media coverage – but those that do are well positioned to be at the top of their vertical.

Another key aspect of IPO preparedness is crisis planning for cyber threats and other considerations – they could be anything from a recall to a regulatory threat. Planning for a crisis means everyone at the C-level understands when there is a crisis and who leads it. Having a solid relationship with a PR firm before your crisis occurs is paramount to a quick, strategic, and effective response.

Sustainable and Responsible Business Practices

Even B2B companies will be called to understand their social impact. For growing B2B tech companies, this could include electrical footprint and processing power, as well as the international supply chain and even employee relations. But how is this part of the Growth strategies for B2B tech? Companies that are in hypergrowth must have a clear line of growth – and doing so includes considering cultural and business changes that are likely to impact growth over the next five years. A company’s reputation will be driven by how much it embraces these future valuation implications. ESG may have been a political hot potato, but the fact is that social impact isn’t going away. Businesses may go quietly about their own sustainable and responsible business practices, but they will still need to do these things because to NOT do them will become a reputational liability during critical moments like IPO or acquisition.


Reputational improvement and maintenance will be as important as any other growth strategies for B2B tech in 2024. Reputations will be simultaneously more expensive to acquire and more valuable. Investing in reputation today will drive the growth of tomorrow.

One of the first questions everyone asks a potential PR agency is, “do you have experience in (my industry)?” Hiring a PR firm with experience relevant to you is a multifaceted process, and fundamentally, it’s one no one really enjoys. Part of the reason no one enjoys it is every PR agency is slightly different, and it can be hard to determine which is most valuable to your company. But engaging with a PR firm based on their experience is really like letting the tail wag the dog. The question you really want to ask is, “What’s your experience with companies with the same business goals?“. This is especially true in emerging industries and nascent markets. What’s the use of hiring a boutique PR agency with experience in your industry if they do not know how to get you to the next level, whether that’s additional funding, an M/A event, or an IPO event? What you really want is to hire a PR firm with experience in taking you to that next level and help you accomplish your business goals.

There are two or three reasons why ambitious and fast-growing startups initiate PR, and they are all vital business objectives. Ultimately, PR is almost always at the junction of a critical turning point for companies of all stages, from startup to hypergrowth to IPO. And the reason for that is simple: there’s no better asset than a strong, trusted, and well-known brand; brand value can add tens of millions to valuations.


Next Level: Additional Funding

Do investors care about PR? They do, but for different reasons than you might think. Investors want companies that think big, but increasingly do so responsibly. One reason PR is a good investment is you can activate your PR for years after you receive it. A steady stream of PR makes it much easier for a company to grow,  and PR provides social proof that helps a company secure traction, and also become an industry leader. Think about the startup founders who have used PR brilliantly to become one of the top providers in their verticals. From Marc Benioff of Salesforce to Richard Branson at Virgin, startup founders who leverage marketing and PR inspire confidence when their thinking is bold and audacious – PR puts audacious thinking on display like no other marketing medium. Finding a PR firm with experience with companies seeking investment could not be more important.


The Right Partners: Mergers and Acquisitions

PR paves the path for mergers and acquisitions; it gives potential buyers and partners an opportunity to learn more about the business in a good way. Plus, PR exposes your brand to more buyers than you could ever find on your own. And the more people you’re exposed to, the more likely you are to find the right partner. Plus, companies at the top of a vertical command a premium.

Whether you need B2B PR or a B2C PR  will impact your PR agency choices, particularly if your goal is M/A, but again, that will largely depend on your strategy. Are you using PR to bolster consumer enthusiasm and growth around the product in order to attract more potential buyers, or are you looking for investors who are very specifically looking for opportunities within a particular segment? These are two very different strategies.

Count Down: Pre-IPO PR

Pre IPO is another PR strategy all altogether, and it’s important to have a PR firm that understands the ramp-up and regulatory conditions of an IPO. Whether you need B2B tech PR agency  or a consumer tech pr agency, you need a PR agency that has been through the ropes of an IPO. A PR agency with Pre-IPO experience helps you set the stage during those critical 24-36 months before your IPO. While you’ll want an investor relations agency to develop your road show and connect you with the right bankers, your PR team should be working in tandem  for positive public relations that analysts will want to see. Since PR is a ramp, not a straight line, plan on investing in PR a minimum of 16 months before your IPO – the longer, the better the pay-off. Involve your PR agency with your investor relations firm well in advance so they can build trust and collaboration and work as a team.

Crisis: PR Experts Needed

If you’re in crisis, and you don’t already have a PR firm or a crisis management plan, then you definitely need a PR agency with experience in crisis communications. Crisis management is very specific to your situation, and the stakeholders will frequently determine the who you choose as a PR team. If you’re challenge is regulatory, a PR team with experience in the regulatory environment is critical, as is a PR team who can evaluate the situation quickly, and act fast. An experienced crisis communications expert will be able to guide you through the process over the course of days, weeks and even months – because getting through the crisis is one thing, but repairing your reputation, to get things back on track, is another.

PR is a serious endeavor with serious potential to change a company’s future. Ensuring you find a firm that has experience in exactly what you need means finding an agency who has moved the needle and elevated companies from one phase of growth to the next. Ultimately, finding a PR firm with experience relevant to you starts with knowing where you want to end up.

If you’re raising an investment round, you may have considered PR. Whether someone suggested it to you or you’re PR curious, you’ve probably wondered why PR comes up so often when you’re seeking investment. From your Series A and beyond, a good reputation helps you raise more money faster. PR helps you attract investors, provides ongoing confidence to investors, and helps the company’s valuation. These are the reasons investors like to see companies use some investment funds for marketing and PR. They know you can run a profitable business without PR, but you can’t be the market leader without PR. So, when should a startup hire a PR firm?  We work with a lot of companies either seeking acquisition or raising funds. Let’s dig deeper into how PR helps secure investors.

First Step: Segment Awareness

Many companies discount B2B or industry PR because industry publications don’t have the public cache of larger business publications like Bloomberg or the Wall Street Journal.

But that’s a mistake. Industry PR is one of the most underrated PR assets when looking for investors. Investors often circle an emerging industry sector, like healthtech or cleantech or cannabis,  to find opportunities, and vertical publications are a great resource. Let’s face it – your startup will not be a unicorn until you’re a segment leader. This type of PR might include thought leadership or owned content campaigns. If your company does not have many search results, industry PR is a natural first step.

There’s another reason to start there: it’s excellent practice. Having 10-15 interviews under your belt really makes a huge difference when you DO get an interview with a national publication. And these credible pieces show investors you’re ready for a capital raise.

Use Data and Insights for VC Funding

A key trend in securing media is providing data to journalists. Journalists are more constrained than ever before. Third-party, statistically relevant data is the crown jewel for consumer business publications like Fortune and Bloomberg. But if you don’t have that kind of research, especially if you’re a SaaS company use the data at your disposal. I don’t mean customer data, I mean information like trends that your product is seeing.

The media isn’t the only stakeholder group that loves data: VCs do, too. Having this data really gives you many ways to capture VC attention, drive and lead conversations, and earn trust from stakeholders. And the best part? You can keep some of this data private and in your pitch deck, which you can use in your funding pitches.

Build Today for Tomorrow’s Funding

Less than 1% of companies appear in the Wall Street Journal or Forbes. Earned media is valuable because it’s difficult to secure, and the credibility factor is greater than anything you can buy. But quality PR is a marathon, not a sprint, and the investment in PR becomes more valuable over time because the more press you secure, the more likely you are to be seen as credible.

Sometimes, companies who are raising funds come to us to help them close a deal. They say, “If I could get a few pieces of press next week, that would be great.” While we might assist you with some sponsored content or contributed content, that’s still an incredibly tight turnaround for us, in part because we don’t know your brand, your voice, and your leadership. And unless you’re already in the news cycle, it’s even less likely a company will secure earned media in that time frame.

PR for investors takes time. PR is branding to journalists. Here’s a typical situation: our groundwork pays off when a newsjacking opportunity presents itself, and journalists trust our client because we had been building that trust for three months already. After that, the company became a credible source for relevant topics for some of the world’s biggest media outlets.

Remember, credibility is not something you turn on and off; it’s something you nurture and guide. That’s PR, and that’s why it’s so valuable when you’re raising capital.

Added Bonus: Crisis PR Preparation

When you’re in the middle of a raise, that’s the last time to scramble for crisis PR. Should you have a crisis, whether that’s a product recall or something more complicated, when you’re raising money or pre-IPO, PR can be the difference between simply surviving and thriving after a crisis.

Crisis campaigns start at $20,000, and that’s after you find a PR firm while your crisis is spinning out of control. When you have a PR firm on retainer, the crisis will still be expensive, but your management of it will be swifter, more strategic, and more effective. With the help of a good PR firm, you can steer your way through the crisis and out the other side with confidence and your brand intact. You might even get bonus points from investors for handling the crisis well.

Taking care of your reputation always pays dividends. When the timing is right to raise capital, that’s a great time to hire a PR agency. A good reputation will help you raise more money, faster.